
It’s the Craziest Time of Year…

For the past 3 weeks now, I haven’t been home any earlier than 9:00 at night. It’s really starting to wear me out! I even stayed home from Mike’s work Christmas party on Saturday because I had no time to shop for something to wear and I was just so tired there was no way I could handle another night out. How sad is that?

This week is no better – I’m actually double and triple booked some nights!
:: Tonight – Jason was awarded his First Class Scout rank. Now he just has his Life Scout and Eagle Scout ranks left to go.
:: Tuesday – Wrap up Jason’s first round of Science Fair project work. (The teacher divides it in to phases so it’s not overwhelming.) Skip the “Noise for Toys” concert that I would love to attend to see Mike and the Lager Rhythms perform. (If you’re in the area and interested – it’s a ton of fun. 7:00 – midnight, Mucky Duck. Bring a toy to get in.)
:: Wednesday – Office Holiday Art Show for clients until 9:00. They brought all the art in today and it’s really cool – our office is basically a gallery right now, and Wednesday night people will be walking around to see all the work. We’ll be mingling and serving the wine.
:: Thursday – I was looking forward to a night home. Found out tonight that it is the school pageant at Jason’s school. Ugh. Can you feel the stress? Ok, ok, we can make it…
:: Friday – Wow! I don’t think there is anything planned for Friday! I may get to finally set up my Christmas tree and the lights!
:: Saturday – Lights in the Heights, where Mike and the Lager Rhythms will be performing again. Missing Chuck & Tiffany’s annual Christmas party afterwards – committed months ago to attending Elaine’s 30th Birthday Party.
:: Sunday – My Mom’s Birthday. We’ll just say it’s her 30th too. *wink*

Oh my. I just want to take a nap thinking about it all!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

10 replies on “It’s the Craziest Time of Year…”

I know *exactly* where you are coming from! And I’ll understand if you can’t make it… 🙁

I am swamped all week in preparation for the party and a visit from my sister. I need all the time I can get to decorate the tree (we bought it but it’s still naked), clean, start Christmas cards, do laundry, hang some draperies and shop for presents but I have a garden club mtg. tonight, a trip to Sam’s Club Wednesday night and a hair appt. Saturday morning. Tuesday night is my only night “free”. I hope Kenny can take care of anything I can’t get to!!

Lights in the Heights is when they close off the Heights (well, 2 streets of it) and the houses are all lit up with Christmas lights. There are groups performing up and down the streets – all over the place – and people are walking around, drinking, enjoying the shows, and getting in the holiday spirit! It was a lot of fun when we went last year!

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