For the past 3 weeks now, I haven’t been home any earlier than 9:00 at night. It’s really starting to wear me out! I even stayed home from Mike’s work Christmas party on Saturday because I had no time to shop for something to wear and I was just so tired there was no way I could handle another night out. How sad is that?
This week is no better – I’m actually double and triple booked some nights!
:: Tonight – Jason was awarded his First Class Scout rank. Now he just has his Life Scout and Eagle Scout ranks left to go.
:: Tuesday – Wrap up Jason’s first round of Science Fair project work. (The teacher divides it in to phases so it’s not overwhelming.) Skip the “Noise for Toys” concert that I would love to attend to see Mike and the Lager Rhythms perform. (If you’re in the area and interested – it’s a ton of fun. 7:00 – midnight, Mucky Duck. Bring a toy to get in.)
:: Wednesday – Office Holiday Art Show for clients until 9:00. They brought all the art in today and it’s really cool – our office is basically a gallery right now, and Wednesday night people will be walking around to see all the work. We’ll be mingling and serving the wine.
:: Thursday – I was looking forward to a night home. Found out tonight that it is the school pageant at Jason’s school. Ugh. Can you feel the stress? Ok, ok, we can make it…
:: Friday – Wow! I don’t think there is anything planned for Friday! I may get to finally set up my Christmas tree and the lights!
:: Saturday – Lights in the Heights, where Mike and the Lager Rhythms will be performing again. Missing Chuck & Tiffany’s annual Christmas party afterwards – committed months ago to attending Elaine’s 30th Birthday Party.
:: Sunday – My Mom’s Birthday. We’ll just say it’s her 30th too. *wink*
Oh my. I just want to take a nap thinking about it all!
10 replies on “It’s the Craziest Time of Year…”
are you at least breathing along the way? wow, that’s a lot for just one week! pace yourself. 🙂
I know *exactly* where you are coming from! And I’ll understand if you can’t make it… 🙁
I am swamped all week in preparation for the party and a visit from my sister. I need all the time I can get to decorate the tree (we bought it but it’s still naked), clean, start Christmas cards, do laundry, hang some draperies and shop for presents but I have a garden club mtg. tonight, a trip to Sam’s Club Wednesday night and a hair appt. Saturday morning. Tuesday night is my only night “free”. I hope Kenny can take care of anything I can’t get to!!
Um – that should say Thursday is my only night free…
Oh no – I am planning on being there! I can’t miss your birthday party, even if we’re arriving late!
I am the queen of needing ‘me’ time. I become an unbearable beyotch if I don’t get some quality alone time. I feel for you. It is very tiring to keep up such a hectic schedule.
Trust me, after I wrap up working with Jaosn on his science fair stuff tonight, I will be sitting like a vegetable on the couch watching TV and enjoying some well-earned down time!
sheesh! now I have to take a nap.
BTW, what is “Lights in the Heights” besides the obvious?
Lights in the Heights is when they close off the Heights (well, 2 streets of it) and the houses are all lit up with Christmas lights. There are groups performing up and down the streets – all over the place – and people are walking around, drinking, enjoying the shows, and getting in the holiday spirit! It was a lot of fun when we went last year!
Great!Sounds like a lot of fun. I think Ralph and I will be going.