Blogger Posts

Jason & I are watching

Jason & I are watching the Sunday night movie on ABC as we always do. I didn’t care for the one tonight that much, “Princess of Thieves”. Maybe it is because I have been blogsurfing instead of paying attention to the movie. But I did get all giddy & excited when I saw a commercial announcing that “Making the Band” will return on April 13th! I was afraid they were never going to bring it back – last time I went to the website it didn’t have a return date listed. Ok, so you are all laughing now that I have confessed to watching that show. Well, I don’t care. It’s good. I am happy they are bringing it back. Wonder if I can program the TiVo now to pick it up. Probably not since it is a month away. I know, I’ll write it in my day planner! I can hardly wait!

I tried to order my pizza from Papa John’s online earlier, but the laptop needed to be rebooted so it kept crashing. Phoned in my order instead, and when it arrived it didn’t have the extra cheese on it. Pouting, I called them just to confirm I had ordered extra cheese and to let them know that it wasn’t on there. I asked if I could have credit for 1 topping next time I ordered, and instead they gave me credit for a large pizza! Cool! Gee, two times in two days. Proving again that it never hurts to ask!

Hey Naomi – this one is just for you. Now that you said it is “old” I keep seeing it all over the place. Maybe you are just ahead of the times? Or the rest of us are lame? Nah… that can’t be it. Oh well, I just had to add that link here for you.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.