I meant to do this a long time ago, but forgot. So thanks to the Wayback Machine, I am finally adding the very first posts from “To Make a Short Story Long…” in to the blog archives here. If you see posts appear and then disappear, it’s because I’m moving them off in to the May 2000 archives.
5 replies on “Just Three Years Ago…”
“Registered http://www.wellslapmesilly.com and the blog is moving again. That *will* be it’s final home”
HAHAHA!!! 😉 (or just the beginning of many domain purchases)
Well, you know. It sounded like a good plan at the time … then I thought of “blahblahblog.com” and I was hooked! Then I needed some big pink cookies… and you see where we are at today!
i looked for my old site but it’s gone 🙁 oh well, it was all crap anyway…lol
Very cool – what a great thing to be able to do:)
On June 4th, 2002 I said I had no History. Well, I went looking for it and found some at