Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone that has contacted me about Knitting for Katrina Victims. I believe I have now e-mailed everyone that had contacted me to this point. If you didn’t hear from me, I am truly sorry – please leave me a comment and let me know. I wrote everyone tonight, as I had to take a break from the Internet. First, I had to force myself to get away from the news. It was consuming me. Second, I had to study for my Biology class – I find the reading a bit bland (I would rather read my Chemistry book), and I was going to fall behind if I didn’t spend some time with it. Third, I had to spend some time knitting myself!
Oh, what a fun experience that was. I did my first gauge swatch for my booties. Size 6 US needles, the yarn band matches up to the pattern, 22 stitches = 4 inches. Except my I had 18 stitches = 4 inches. *sigh* Gauge swatch with the Size 5 US needles. 20 stitches = 4 inches. Augh! I need 22 stitches = 4 inches! I finally had to head over to Hobby Lobby, buy some size 4 DPNs and put stitch holders on the ends to make them straight needles. (All of the needles jumped from a 3 US to a 5 US. What is up with that?) Guage swatch with them? 21 stitches = 4 inches. I called it close enough and knit my first baby bootie. I’m halfway through the second one, and then I will stitch it together. I hate sewing my knitting projects, so I am going to have to find some that don’t require it. I think I have a sock pattern in my pattern folder that will work nicely. It is a Ann Norling pattern that allows you to calculate the yarn size and shoe size to get the sock size you want for babies, children and adults.
More updates to follow – thank you again for your help! And whether you knit or not, please help to spread the word. I truly appreciate it!
(I need a cute button, and I have no image software on this Linux laptop. Can anyone hook me up? Pretty please? “Knitters for Katrina” would be great!)
One reply on “Katrina Knitters Update…”
Drop me a line to let me know wher to send items. I’ve been working on hats and some blankets, and would like to get the in the mail next week.
Thanks for doing this too.