
Katrina Knitters…

I wanted to put everything into one post to make it easy to find. If you knit or crochet, you can use your talents to help.

I am collecting knitted goods for the victims of Katrina that are here in Houston. I plan on making baby bootees first – a little yarn goes a long, long way when it comes to bootees. It is 92 degrees in Houston today, so no one needs heavy clothing. As time goes on – I’m sure the victims will be here through the fall – things like blankets, sweaters, and really anything else will be needed. If you would like to send goods, please leave a comment and we will work out the details. One very important detail – make sure the items you send are easy to wash. Yarns that can be tossed in the machine to wash and dry are the best option.

Also, the Knit at Night Guild that I belong to is collecting “stash” items to give to the victims to use to help pass their time. Needles, yarn, patterns whatever you have – they will take it. Again, contact me for more information.

Last but not least, I’m Knitting As Fast As I Can is coordinating efforts for the Red Cross. In exchange for your donations, you will be entered to win knitted goods donated by other knitters. They did their first drawing yesterday. They are also working on auctions for knitted goods. [via Wendy Knits]

Knit for Katrina. You can make a difference.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

38 replies on “Katrina Knitters…”

Thanks so much for organizing this–I found you through pesky apostrophe. I am a native Houstonian who lives in Minnesota, but I am visiting Houston for a couple of weeks right now.

Anyway, I really want to knit goodies for the refugees and was trying to find a place to donate them. I’m also trying to get my local stitch and bitch to donate blanket squares. I’ve got loads of Encore, so I will knit some kid stuff when I get back to MN.

Thanks also for the ideas for other donations.

Knitting for Katrina Babies…
Tracey at Worship Naked found a good ‘un.
Christine at Big Pink Cookie writes:

I am collecting knitted goods for the victims of Katrina that are here in Houston. I plan on making baby bootees first – a little yarn goes a long, long way when it…

I’m sorry if I left this comment earlier. I’m a native Houstonian who now lives in Minneapolis, but am currently visiting Houston. I definitely want to contribute some knitted goods–I’ll start making socks and booties when I get home. I’m also trying to get Minneapolis knitters to contribute squares for a blanket.

Thanks for all the info.

Christine — I forgot to trackback to you when I posted, but I see my blogging friend The Anchoress didn’t. Be prepared. I think you just might get a lot of things. I’m rusty on my crochet, but it’s time to take it up again, I think.

A question, though, are you setting a deadline for the submissions or keeping it open-ended?

This is a wonderful, warm idea.

Tracey, there is no deadline. As long as they are here in Houston (which could be a long time, unfortunately), I will deliver things to them. Knitting and crocheting can take time, especially larger items. That was why I decided I would start with bootees – they are much faster to knit.

Quite awhile ago I started making baby socks with my leftover sock yarn. The project was pushed aside when more urgent stuff came along. I think I need to dust off the yarn and get busy!

Knits for Katrina
Christine, of A Big Pink Cookie, is collecting knitted (or crocheted, or sewn, or whatever) goods for the Katrina victims in Houston. Help Christine help Katrina Victims. If you can’t help Christine knit for Katrina donate to your preferred charity

I have a good quantity of knitting needles that I would be glad to donate to displaced Katrina if there is a need for them. Also yarn. Rosemary

Please let me know where to send things. My mom and her knitting group at her retirement place in San Diego will start knitting this week (the knitting gene skipped 1 or 2 generations – can’t knit worth beans and my daughter is still learning). She’s done lots of booties and caps for the preemies at the hospital nearby. I told her to inquire about supplies too (patterns, etc). I will pass along the info or contribute by getting the boxes together and sending them on to you. Thanks!

Knitting skipped a generation or 2 in my family but my mom will start this week for you. Please let me know where to send the things. She’s been knitting for preemies at her local hospital for years. Also, she will get the knitting group at her retirement community on board and we’re looking for supplies (patterns, needles, etc). Thanks!

My mother and I are starting to knit baby clothing for the displaced. Anything specific you think we should focus on?

Thanks so much for organizing this.

This is a great idea, please let me know all the details. Also if you have time to pass on a quick pattern I’d love to have it.

Christine, I am getting emails from folks wanting to know where to send their knitted things (me too) – can you please when you get a chance, give an address? Thanks!

Hi, My 5th graders are knitting toddler socks out of cotton- ease. I want to know where to send them. Also, you did say no deadline because they will probably be ready around the holidays. I’ve been wanting to do knitting for charity. Thank you for your initiative. Laurie

Would knitted cotton baby and children’s hats be good for fall weather in Houston? I’m in Seattle and it’s hard to imagine the heat!

Me too, me too, me too. I started crocheting baby blankets the day after the storm. I just don’t know exactly where to send them. I’d really rather send what I’ve made to Mississippi just ’cause. Can anyone tell me where? If not, I’ll be shipping them to a birthing center down there.

I think we all feel the desire/need to do SOMETHING. And the financial donation my family made didn’t feel nearly as satisfying as I’d hoped. It was when I picked up some yarn and a hook that I felt somehow more personally involved.
I like the idea of giving a new mother something pretty and soft to wrap her very special little one in. Just one thing that while functional is also rather unique and personal. From one mother/grandmother to another.

My fingers are flying as I’ve just started my 3rd small afghan and as always I’m imagining the person I’m making it for. I’ve heard these were a ‘forgotten’ people long before Katrina. I hope our little contributions will aid in letting them all know how much we the yarn-addicted care.

Let’s all just stay away from the Noah’s Ark patterns!

Here is one way to get baby blankets you are making to those in need after Katrina. (I know because my mom is the San Jose area coordinator — plus I think it is awesome she blogs!)

Go to and click on the chapter link. Find your state. Click on that and get in touch with your closest coordinatr. PL has requests for 10,000 blankets. They have commitments for a little over half of that. So your blankets are needed. They are specifically looking for lightweight blankets.

I am making a list of things people in our local Art Association and community can do for the Katrina Relief effort with their creativity and time. Where can they send their Knitted goods?

I would love to help, and as I don’t have much money at the moment, knitting is perfect. Only… I don’t live in America. Is that a problem?

I have an adult-sized patchwork afghan I recently finished and am trying to find a home for, as well as a baby blanket. Where can I send them?


My sister and I are sponsoring a huge 24 Hour Blanket Making Marathon in downtown Seattle, WA for the Hurricane Survivors. We’re going to be sewing, knitting, crocheting, quilting, etc. Right now I have somewhere to send our blankets but if that should change, would you be able to hook me up with someone who will receive our balnkets and get them properly distributed ?

Lori Manna and Shellie Paola

My sister and I are working with our local Project Linus chapter to coordinate a huge 24 Hour Blanket Making Marathon in downtown Seattle, WA from 10:00AM Oct 1st through 10:00AM Oct 2nd to support the Hurricane Katrina Survivors. We’ll be sewing, knitting, crocheting and quilting the night away. ( Right now we have somewhere to send our blankets but I would love a back up address in case our current plan falls through. Anyway you can let me know where you’re shipping your stuff ?

Lori Manna

Sorry to repeat all of the other requests, but I, too, am looking for an address to send handknit hats, bootees, etc. I work for a non-profit called Hands On Portland and we are organizing groups of volunteers to knit items for hurricane victims. We have info for Project Linus but want to give folks to option of knitting something other than blankets.

Thank you!


My friends and I have knitted hats for children of all sizes (preemies and older). I have collected a big box of them. Are you still collecting them for distribution? Please advise your mailing address. Thanks!

I can’t believe I’ve had no response from you aboput where to send socks that my class knitted months ago. I am frustrated and wish you would get back to me. Thank you Laurie McKenzie

Hi Laurie! Actually, I checked my outgoing e-mail, and I’ve sent you my address several times. I’m not sure why they aren’t getting through, but I will try again tonight. Or you can send them directly to NAM (the group I take them to) – I will try to get their address later this week.

Hotmail doesn’t always like my domain for some reason; I think it thinks big pink cookies are spam.

Hi Christina:
Still collecting hats and things? I made a bunch of infant caps – some regular, some preemie, any toughts on where I could send them?

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