I got my new 64mb card for my digital camera today – did you know that on “High Quality” you can get 293 photos??!? DAMN! Here I am used to getting 32! On “Super High Quality” I can get 146 shots! This ROCKS! I found a Zio! Card Reader and 64mb card on eBay for $60.00. Normally the card alone is that much. Sweet!
3 replies on “Kick ASS!!!”
i love my Zio card reader (which came free with my camera, nyah nyah.)
My card reader took a shit so now I can’t use it. I need to go and buy a new one. Lets see some pics from that bad boy, eh? 🙂
Uhm, yeah Naomi … but I only paid $250 for my camera! And my card reader basically came free with my 64mb card, since those alone are normally $60! 🙂 I love eBay!