Poor Daysies burned herself out on knitting a ton of Christmas presents in an amazingly short amount of time, and now she has lost her “Knitspiration.” Maybe some knit sushi would get her back in the mood?
I think I have finally found the sock pattern to make Mike’s socks – Tech Guy socks. They are so adorable! I could probably even chart something special for him, in case he doesn’t want Breakout.
(Psst… the February issue of Magknits is online. In case you missed it!)
4 replies on “Knit Sushi…”
OMG! that’s so cute!!!!! now i’m craving sushi. 😛
i actually brought my unfinished Sophie to work today but i didn’t open it. one step at time, getting back on the knitting horse, right?
You HAVE to make the Microsoft “apple” socks for Mike’s brother. Or is that the wrong company logo???!!!
It is – Apple is … well, Apple. The people that make Macs, iPods, etc. Microsoft is the little flag thingie on the start button.
Although, really, if I made him Apple socks it might be sort of funny! 😀
You should get started on Mike’s sock. Your knitting a sock that is going to take you forever.