
Knitting Fool…

Argosy ScarfFirst up, the Argosy scarf. (There are more finished objects to come as soon as I get photos!) I started this as we watched Rice play in their bowl game on December 22nd. I finished most of the first ball of Noro that night, and all was well.

On the 23rd, while we had coffee with Mike’s high school English teacher, I got everything set up so the start of the second ball lined up perfectly with the end of the first ball. Again, all was well.

That night, we went to the Lexington Stitch & Bitch to knit, and I brought the scarf. I worried at first that I would botch the pattern, but after a few minor (and easy to fix) mistakes, and tinking a row or two, I was happily knitting along. And then it happened.

The Noro knot. The infamous Noro knot.

All was no longer well. As much as I love Noro, I freaking hate Noro because of the knots. I thought it was going to be ok at first – the other side of the knot picked up right along in the same color as the I had been working in. Problem is, the yarn color was supposed to go burgundy, purple, pink, purple, blue, and so on. Instead it went purple, pink, purple, pink, purple, blue. There is a LOT of pink and purple in the second half of the scarf. A little blue at the end, and no green at all. Grrrrr. *shaking my fist at the Noro*

It is still lovely, and it was a fun and easy knit. I finished it up on Christmas Eve night, and I will block it this weekend. But I must admit, I’m still bitter about the second half of the scarf.

Scarf Stats:
Pattern: Argosy from Knitty
Yarn: Noro Silk Garden Lite in color #2014, two skeins
Cast-on: December 22, 2006
Cast-off: December 24, 2006

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

5 replies on “Knitting Fool…”

I don’t think my LYS carries Noro, but I have seen some in the owner’s stash sale when she’s clearing out her personal skeins. I’ve avoided it like the plague even though the colors are so yummy because I’ve heard about the infamous Noro knots. I do love your scarf–it’s beautiful!

Ugh..the Noro Knots. I’ve had my share of them, too. But I can see that it was worth it! In fact, I put this on my to-do list back when you posted an in-progress photo. Noro yarns (knots or not) suit this pattern perfectly!

It’s really lovely!

Yup, the infamous Noro knots. I remembered encountering them in my Silk Garden Basketweave Scarf, too.

I have to admit though that the Argosy is lovely…and maybe I’ll be tempted to knit one for myself…although I’m not sure whether it’s a suitable men’s scarf or not.

Out of curiosity – ever contact the company? I mean, that is aggravating – but maybe they’d give you some free product for your trouble … 😉

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