Blogger Posts

Know what, Julie? It sure

Know what, Julie? It sure feels good to be writing again. I know I should have been all along, but you guys would have been bored to DEATH if I had just sat here and babbled non-stop about the IO. Naomi can vouch for me, I have been sort of obsessed & stuck on one topic lately. I thank her on a daily basis for being a great sounding board. Not sure where I would be if she wasn’t around to listen.

The IO was weird and moody on Wednesday, but more “normal” on Thursday. We are going out tonight. No idea where – unlike last week, he doesn’t seem too concerned about it. Which brings me right back to my previous debate… do I want him back in my life? I know I miss having him around. It’s “easy” in the sense that we have known each other for 8 years – sometimes getting to know someone new stinks. But then again, we have had lots of water go under the bridge in 8 years. Lots of water has gone OVER the bridge – the poor bridge has been all but washed away more then once. I am not sure if it is structurally sound. Maybe that is why I am feeling so rattled and unstable lately about all of this. So, you know what I decided to do? I decided that it is to early to start burning my other bridges. I had been writing and talking with one guy (I posted a personals ad to shop for a man back in January) for a few weeks. We haven’t met in person yet. Since the 13th, I had sort of slacked off on writing him – I still wrote, but not with the same zest. I decided that as long as chicky-poo is still in IO’s life, it is silly of me to *not* be writing. I also had had a few new responses that I hadn’t answered, so I took the time to write those guys too. It made me feel good! I had slacked off before, and I will still take things slow, because of the fact that it doesn’t make much sense to get in to talking with them and then to work things out with the IO.

I just have to figure out if it is the IO that I miss or being in a relationship. Being apart for 2 months, it is easy to gloss over the bad points, but as we spend time together again, the past is losing it’s shine.

Moving on to a new subject – my movie reviews for this weekend’s upcoming movies! This new “Heartbreakers” movie looks sort of lame, but Sigourney Weaver looks really good in it. Don’t think it would be worth $6.50 for a ticket. Maybe on cable. “Say it Isn’t So” looks really lame. Not worth watching on cable. “The Brothers” looks pretty funny though, I am adding that to my “try to see” list – I would be willing to pay for a ticket. They just gave it a B+ rating on the news too.

Darn. I wanted my free Taco from Taco Bell. More importantly, our boss said he would take the whole company to lunch at Pappasito’s if the Mir hit that target. Man!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.