I went to downtown to pick Chelsey up at her office last night after work, and then we headed over to Pappa’s Bar-B-Q to eat. Nothing fancy, but soooooooo good. We used to go there all the time for lunch when we worked downtown together. After we ate we went down to the theater by her house to see Legally Blonde. That movie was hysterical, funny enough that I would go back to the theater to see it again and I definately want it on DVD! Reese Witherspoon was great … that dog! What a riot. We laughed so hard throughout the whole thing. It was even funnier because Chelsey is a legal secretary, and as we pulled up her boss (one of the attorneys that she is assigned to) was standing outside with his wife, about to go in to see the same movie! Then when we entered the theater … the seats I picked were right next to him. After the movie we went back to her place and then went Wal-Mart’ing at 1am. It was amazing how many people were there at that time of night, and a lot of them with kids! We had, ummmmm… a special mission to accomplish, and then we finally got back to her place at something like 4am. *yawn* I spent the night there as it’s a long drive home. We had a great time. I miss having lunch with her all the time like we did when we both worked in downtown. Chelsey thought I was nuts, but I took pictures – will post them later!