My sinuses are hurting again, which translates in to a nice headache for me. The perfect cure? Watching the Ice Skating show on ABC and adding tons of photos to Pixelog!
I still have to get the photos from yesterday off of the new camera, so for now it’s Boston travel photos.
By the way, there is just 1 week left to nominate your favorite sites for the Photobloggies!
2 replies on “Lazy Sunday Afternoon…”
My sinuses are driving me nuts too. Icky. I personally think it’s a conspiracy. A grand conspiracy to bring the all powerful Spork Posse to it’s knees! err… bring it to it’s handle… or something…
I’m delusional. I must lie down now. 😉
(Feel better soon. 🙂 )
My sinuses are in perfect working order. Thus, I will carry the torch, uh, plastic of the Spork Posse for you all.
Get better soon, sweets. (And I’m not just saying that to score brownie points with a judge.)