
MagKnits June is Online!

I really like the new sock pattern in the current MagKnits, called Tropicana. I’m a bit confused by part of the instructions though:

srpo = sl st to right hand needle with yarn in front, then pull yarn over the needle – st looks now as if there are two sts, you are not making a yarn over, you just pull it to the back! = srpo double stitch. This double stitch is always knit/purled together as one st. Do not make increases!

Can anyone explain that to me, slowly and clearly? Please?

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

7 replies on “MagKnits June is Online!”

I loved that pattern, too and was totally confused by that particular instruction, as well.

I’m thinking it’s kind of like a wrap-stitch yarnover, probably worked at the short-rows of the heel (I’ll have to go back and look), to keep the stitches tight, maybe?

Otherwise, it seems kind of pointless to me. 🙁

It’s often called a “backwards yarnover” — one of the many methods of doing a short row heel/toe. 🙂

Alison has a tutorial on it over at her site — backwards yarnover tutorial. It’s also Priscilla Gibson-Roberts method, so if you have an old IK or her Simple Socks book, it’s outlined there (Alison links to the IK pattern on her tutorial as well).

I think Alison’s tutorial should help you out, though.

BTW, ignore my previous comment. I was on post-work crack or something! It’s a wrapped short row method; I somehow neglected to notice the slipping the stitch part.

That said, it’s Wendy’s short row method that person is using, which is shown with pictures in a Knitty article here. Those pictures might help you see what you are missing. It’s a little weird, and I still have trouble with that method, so I use the method that Alison shows in her tutorial that I listed above. 🙂


Jess, your second comment has me cracking up. Don’t you hate it when the post-work crack makes everything all fuzzy? 😉 I completely understand!

Thanks for *both* of the links – they are definitely helpful!

Actually, I’m going to take issue with both of Jess’s explanations. It’s neither the backwards YO method *nor* a regular wrapped-stitch short row (and incidentally, those are effectively the same — once you lift the wrap off the stitch it was on, when you get ready to hide it, you have the same thing as if you’d done a backwards YO in the first place). I think it’s kind of a hybrid — you’re effectively making the wrap, but with it already pulled up off the stitch it was around — but then look down below at how it’s used; she’s got you putting these semi-wrapped stitches on a spare needle, instead of just hanging out next to the existing stitches, which is something I’ve never seen before.

I think I understand it, but I’d have to actually knit it to be sure. If you want to show up at Twisted Yarns tomorrow, I’m planning to go hang out a while, and we could fiddle with it then.

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