
Make Up Your Mind!

On Monday, it was in the 80s. I wore a light dress with a sweater over it to class. The a/c wasn’t working, and I was glad I had dressed for the warm weather outside. Tuesday a front came through and brought us a ton of rain and cooler temperatures. Last night it went from cool to friggin’ COLD. (I know, cold by Houston standards is not cold to everyone else. But it is cold to me.)

It was 37 degrees this morning.

I didn’t want to turn on the heat last night because no one has gone up into the attic to make sure the pilot light is lit, and I am neurotic and convinced that I would kill us with carbon monoxide poisoning. I understand how that works now thanks to my Biology class, but I don’t want to experience it firsthand. Instead I went to bed in a t-shirt, a sweatshirt, housepants and the thickest socks that I own.

Mike has been gone to Boston this week, and I must have been super cold without the human furnace here to keep me warm – I woke up curled into a ball this morning, and when I stretched my legs out the sheets were ice cold! Jason said he slept under 3 blankets. We were digging for gloves this morning; it was definitely a glove day.

Tonight looks like more of the same. Actually worse, with a low tonight of 33. I guess I am going to give in and turn on the heater. There is too much risk of pipe damage in Houston homes if it gets that close to freezing outside. Plus my hands are like two ice cubes right now. I like to bundle up and enjoy winter as much as the next person, but this is just crazy.

I’m sure my paranoia about turning on the furnace has nothing to do with the fact that last year when we went to turn them on we discovered we needed to replace both of them. Oh yeah, that made for a fun Christmas.

Now where did I put the flannel housepants?

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

5 replies on “Make Up Your Mind!”

Our new heater is too much for the breaker, so I keep having to go flip it back on. I suffer for as long as possible to keep from having to do that. We’re all in flannel pants and stuff and I put a little heater in the bathroom for bath time. On the bed, I have 2 quilts, a fuzzy blanket, and an electric throw. Since it went from like 80 to 50 in one day it seems so much colder!

We still haven’t turned on the heat in our house but we have a very warm, soft king-size blanket that we place under the down comforter. Add two dogs and a husband and I stay warm! The fireplace also helps while we sit in the living room and watch TV.

Seriously. Buy yourself a down comforter. Those suckers work. I refuse to turn on the heat and I still sleep all toasty and warm. You can get the down comforters for about $35 at Overstock or Smart You’ll sleep like a baby. ;o)

Unfortunately, if I did the down comforter I would be toasty, warm, and completely congested. My allergies do not get along well with down comforters. *sigh*

I normally sleep “hot” too, so the down comforter is sometimes too much for me. Well, when I tried one, before I discovered the allergy issue.

And we have the strangest fireplace – it is gas, and unlike any other gas fireplace I have ever used, ours doesn’t put out heat. At all. It is really weird, but not high on my list of things to fix right now. (Painting and things like that come first!) But I don’t mind using blankets while on the couch, so it is ok. The heat is back off for now – I love fall and fall clothes, and I want to wear them!

Here in Salt Lake City we are having the same weather. A cold front moved through and it was in the low 40’s. The day before I was on my home and it was 92 degrees. I agree warm or cold. I prefer warm though.

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Make Up Your Mind!

Yesterday, I was outside in a t-shirt. It was in the mid-70s. Today? It’s in the high 30s or low 40s right now. Our predicted high is like 48. It’s cold out there. We might get snow or sleet even today. Can I tell you just how tired I am of these yo-yo temperatures? Is it any wonder I’m battling a sinus infection and have a head full of gunk?

Fan-freakin’-tabulous. Oh, and with our cold temps today, it will be back in the mid-70s this weekend. Mother Nature, make up your mind!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

9 replies on “Make Up Your Mind!”

C-C-C-Christine (that’s my teeth chattering), it got really cold here and with all the rain we had, all our car doors and locks were frozen shut this morning. I wish I was down there with you.

Hi! I found you through Muppet who I found through Miss Zoot. 🙂
I’m in Houston too, and was out sick this week with some sort of sinus crap too. So I know exactly what you mean! Hope you feel better!

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