I would like to take a moment to wish Brian Kane a very happy birthday! I would spank him, but the wife might not be too happy about that. Instead I’ll just quietly hum “Happy Birthday to You” in his honor. I don’t have to pay royalty fees* if I just hum it to myself, do I? (Trust me, you don’t want me to sing it. No, really – you don’t.)
On a separate note, you have until 6pm PST (9pm EST/8pm CST) to vote for SERRA at the Yahoo Big Blogger Group. Go to the polls section and vote in the top poll. I have to say, your support has been overwhelming and I sincerely thank all of you that have taken the time to vote. A special thank you to Ed K. for his passionate “Save Christine Campaign” (I posted it in the “more” section if you want to read it) and to Shelli for the special Big Pink Cookie button she made for me (it’s in her sidebar on the right.) More thanks to come later – but trust me, I am grateful!
* The copyright doesn’t run out until 2021.
Ed’s full “Save Christine Campaign” post from the Big Blogger Game Message Board:
Okay, I have to act while there’s still a little time. I admit I love a good train wreck. Really, I do. And I’d love to see some more sparring between Rusty and Serra (although hopefully of better quality that “You’re as white ass a ghost.” “Am Not!” “Are too.” “Am NOT! “Are Too!” diatribe that’s been going on).
But there’s a more important agenda to address. I’m still feeling guilty for letting Min Jung slip through my hands. But I will *NOT* let *another* atrocity happen. I beg you, I implore you to …
Because we’ve all known what it’s like to be deadly sick just when we have to start a new project. So please don’t let her lack of early posts affect your decisions. Rusty was right. Her input in the game is quality, not crap.
Because she is one of the more stable elements in the game. And that will be needed, as we get closer to the finish line. There’s always a need for the voice of sanity amidst all the drama and snark.
Because she is a kind and decent lady who deserves our support in this hour of need. (No, she is *NOT* fake. She really *is* that sweet. God help her.)
Because if any of you saw BlogWhore (go read the archives) you’d know that when push comes to shove, she knows when to pull out the big guns and put on a damn good show. (She holds a lot of promise for some seriously good entertainment near the last quarter of the game. She can be just as snarky, and more, at the right moment.)
Because I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is. I am now sending $50.00 to Ernie via Paypal. And I’ll match that amount next week at payday if she survives this round. (You have no idea how much this is raiding from my Thursday night beer fund!)
Don’t ever say that I don’t know how to commit.
ed k.
6 replies on “May I Have Your Attention, Please?”
I’ve already saved you (of course).
His post was amazing. Putting his money where his mouth is. I wonder if some of us do a similar “Don’t nominate Christine” drive in the future if it will work. I mean, it’s the other contestants who are going after that money.
I went and joined so I could vote for ya, babe! 🙂
I voted too.
Dang, how nice to have a fan like that, Christine! I love you and all, but, this is just the web… you ain’t getting my beer money! HA! Oh wait, I don’t drink anymore.
So now that we saved you, how can we stick it to the rest of the team?