
Maybe Not Pure, Pure Evil…

I had a fleeting moment where I briefly considered doing something really, really evil. I mean … cruel. If I had done it, the person on the receiving end would have flipped out and then some. But I reigned myself in. I just couldn’t be that mean, no matter how much it was deserved. Very tempting, but no. I resisted in the end, and set everything right again.

Hopefully, by changing my path I have not upset the balance of karma in my life.

Do you ever have moments like that? I’m not alone in my sometimes wicked ways, am I?

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

8 replies on “Maybe Not Pure, Pure Evil…”

I think everyone has a moment or two like that. Unlike me I have moments like that daily.:) hmm maybe that’s why I have no friends…hehehe (just kidding)
**Dropping by to say HI ~ Your Secret Pal.

you mean like that moment i had last night, when i was contemplating stuffing a potato in the tailpipe of the Honda with the modified exhaust because I was tired of listening to the lawn-mower like fake engine sounds up and down the parking lot last night?

no, i never have moments like that 🙂

I have thoughts like that all the time. I don’t like one of college roommates at all. He is so lazy and never pays anything on time. If I do do anything, I honestly wouldn’t have any regrets doing it since he doesn’t even notice the world around him.

You’re DEFINATELY not alone.

I SO wanted to do some seriously evil stuff to my ex when he left me. But I let Fate intervene and his life is a living Hell right now…while mine is simply wonderful!

Fate has a funny way of taking care of things for you…

i have moments daily, a gal at work is just full of it. very conceited, very disillusioned, very very. her wedding is next month, and she’s been horrible about it all. she’s acting as though she was elected queen of the office. yesterday i really had had it with her and i thought “i should write an anonymous letter to her church and tell them she’s living with her fiance! and then they will refuse to marry them!” (Catholic). but i didn’t. but it felt good to even imagine that outcome!

I don’t like one of college roommates at all. He is so lazy and never pays anything on time. If I do do anything, I honestly wouldn’t have any regrets doing it since he doesn’t even notice the world around him.

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