If you’re not using RSS, you should be. If you need more RSS resources and information, Chris has hooked us up once again with the Lockergnome RSS Resource. RSS is a great tool for keeping up with not only the news but also blogs, and I can’t say enough good things about it – no matter what flavor of RSS you use. In case you were wondering, my feed reader of choice is Newzcrawler. [via Adam.]
As for my RSS Evangelism – Sam Ruby says it very well. Don’t tease us with a short little excerpt of your latest post, give it all to us. Otherwise you will be relegated to my “short posts” directory in NewzCrawler, the one I only check once every week or two. I know that matters to you, right? (Yeah, sure it does.) If you need more help with RSS, check out ScriptyGoddess. Or just ask – I’m happy to help where I can.
2 replies on “Mmm… Tasty Feeds…”
On that note, which one of your feeds include the comments? I tried the RDF and XML but I still don’t see comments.
Hit ‘n’ Run, 08/12/2003
Another “Hit ‘n’ Run” full of links crowding my browser this week….