Geek Love

Mmmm… Feed Me…

I’m getting ready for school next week, and I’m accepting the fact that my time online will be cut back again. This is forcing me to look at my surfing habits again – there is only so much time in the day, you know? So I am going back to my trusty RSS feeds. I love using NewsGator Online. Love, love, love it. The interface is pretty. If I accidentally click on a feed, I don’t have to worry about it marking it as read if I’m not done with it. I can access it from any computer, which is important since I use 2-3 different ones. I have my “Subscribe to Newsfeed” bookmarklet, so it is easy to subscribe to anything. I have folders set up for News, Friendblogs, Geekblogs, Knitblogs, and Photoblogs.

I need to finish converting everyone to using my FeedBurner feed, so if you read me via an RSS reader, can you switch your subscription over to this one?

I’ll miss seeing the pretty site designs, but it is much easier to zoom through the feeds. I’ll try to comment as much as I can still. That is the one bad thing about feeds – people forget to go and comment. Hey! You! Reading this on a feedreader! Come here and comment every once in awhile, ok? (It is the Internet equivalent of being told that you never call your mother, isn’t it?)

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

13 replies on “Mmmm… Feed Me…”

Ok, so what’s the draw for a feedburner feed? I don’t get it. I did switch to your new feed though.

And I still comment even though I read most of my blogs via bloglines. And still cuss those people who have partial feeds. πŸ˜‰

*waves* I’m a guilty feed-reader. I still try to comment as much as I can though. πŸ™‚ Must go check out NewsGator. I’m not thrilled with bloglines, but don’t feel like moving all of my feeds somewhere else. Ya know?

Feedburner “converts” my feed into whatever format you need. Also, if I should ever redesign or rearrange my site, as long as I tell FeedBurner where to get it from you will never have to change your links.

Mom, all of my comments are going into a “moderated” mode right now and I can’t seem to fix whatever is causing it. On a positive note, spam comments aren’t getting through. Oh, and I didn’t mean you say I never call. I meant it more in the joke way, like moms complain when their kids go to college they never call. Heck, not only do I call you – I answer when you call! πŸ˜€

I thought I switched my feed a while back, but I guess I didn’t. It’s switched now. I love newsgator online also, but I switched back to bloglines because I found it faster than Newsgator. When you read close to 500 blogs like me every second saved counts.

I’ve been rolling both feeds for a while, mainly because I never knew when the other might shut down. Maybe an htaccess redirect from the old to the new is in order??

And three cheers for NewsGator online – it rocks!!!

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BlahBlahBabble Geek Love

Mmmm… Feed Me…

I just discovered this free RSS to HTML PHP Script. I’m all about the free, and it looks like it could be useful for some future project.

Speaking of projects, last night we went to Kathy and Tom’s house, and I was smart and brought the yarn I bought to make Kathy a scarf. Her sister was the inspiration for the first scarf I crocheted, so the I’m making the second one for her. It’s a cream colored chenille, the pr0n star of yarns because it is “Thick and quick.” While watching Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (Unrated Extended Edition), I managed to crochet about half of the scarf, even while laughing – that movie was pretty damn funny. Two thumbs up. (Two crochet hooks up?) I hope to finish the rest of it today while spending some time in the car.

I already have requests for future scarves – can I just tell you how happy that makes me?!? Wheeee!!! Crocheting for others is FUN!

Off for a day full of crafty goodness. It’s going to be a busy weekend, but I can’t wait!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

5 replies on “Mmmm… Feed Me…”

I love making scarves too! I made two for Christmas gifts and would’ve done more if I’d had time. I love the thick, chunky yarn, because not only can you complete a project faster, but it’s so snuggly. πŸ™‚

You know what? It’s not normally the type of movie I would pick out to watch either, but I thought it was hysterically funny. I hated the “American Pie” movies, and almost anything else like that – but this one was really pretty funny. (either that or crocheting makes me that happy, one of the two…)

i was on the train with TrainBoy the other night and he tells me “i went to high school with Kumar”… i’ve yet to see the movie (had heard of it) and i felt bad that i wasn’t all like “OH MY GOD!!! REALLY!!!??? CAN I TOUCH YOU?”… (if he said zach braff, maybe i woulda pet him a little.)

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