The events of yesterday not only made me worry about Jason, but also about myself. I haven’t been exercising as I should, I haven’t really been watching what I eat – and I am paying the price. Like I said last week, I did these things for a reason – I needed to learn to like ME for who I am, what I am, and so forth – not the mental image that the Insignificant Other had of me, no longer feeling like I had to force myself to do things for him. It was a self-validation issue I guess. I just didn’t want to have to worry about it. So I didn’t. I am paying the price now, and what happened with Jason yesterday made me stop and look at how I have felt lately. I am sluggish & tired all the time. I just want to sit and veg. I keep getting headaches – sometimes migraines, and on the other days just bad headaches. (They are different, if you have had migraines you will know what I mean.) All of which are symptoms of being diabetic. Sure, they are symptoms of other things too, but I have been dealing with yo-yo blood sugar issues lately. I have been hypoglycemic for years, so I know “the feeling” all too well. And it’s been getting worse, back to how I felt when I was pregnant and gestational diabetic. So, I have to do something about it. I have to give in. Difference is, I am doing it for me, and no one else. I am however going to set up a blog, separate from this one but within the domain, to track my progress. I need accountability, and since you guys aren’t about to meet me at the gym to work out with me, I can at least know that someone might read it and see when I am being a slacker. I am drinking my sugar-free Lemonaide right now instead of Pepsi … that’s a start! More to come…
6 replies on “More About Yesterday…”
You have my support and encouragement, Christine. I’m sure after I have this baby, I’ll have to do lots of healthy eating, too. Stay focused and keep your chin up. You can do this!
Accountability is key. You may want to take a look at “The Game” by Sarano Kelley. I’ve been reading it and it combines accountability and achieving your goals into a game.
Like an excersise/diet blog? I’m gonna do one of those too! I’ll link ya. ;o)
Christine, you can do anything you set your mind to. And you will accomplish any goal you set for yourself. I know you will. Because I’m right here to cheer you on, baby! 😉
Way to go girl. Can I take some of your energy?
I’m proud of you, Christine, and have the utmost confidence in you. Hey, I might even jump on the bandwagon too!