
More on AvantGo…

Figure I’ll answer everyone here too – I don’t remember how to create an AvantGo channel. I added a button to my toolbar long ago that allows me to add a site as a channel, and I go through there. If you go to AvantGo and log in (or sign up!), there is a section called “My Channels” and you can use the channel wizard to turn any site into a channel. I created a special page for it though so it would be pretty bare bones, no sidebar, no graphics – something that would be small.

To create a stripped down page like I did, go to the MT Templates page and create a new index template. (That’s the top section – I overlooked it the first 3 times…) Select the option to create a new one, give it a name, give it a .html name. I have uploaded a text file that contains my exact code. (Right-click on that link and “Save Target As…”) It is set to display the last 15 entries (MTEntries n=15) and also will display the extended portion of an entry and all comments. (Thanks again to Promo for the push to finally get this done!)

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

5 replies on “More on AvantGo…”

That’s so cool! Someday (like when I have a job again) I’m going to get internet access through my Palm (once it’s replaced, I cracked the display last night and have to exchange it at lunch today). It would be rather cool to check blogs while commuting to and from work. 🙂

OK I just added it and HotSynched and it looks great!

Now, can we start a trend here? I want everyone else to make a PDA page for their blog. Hmmm, maybe we could have a directory or PDA-enabled Blogs. anyone?

You don’t need a PDA that connects to the internet – you can use AvantGo on any PDA – you download the pages when you perform a hotsync. I get my news that way all the time, especially when I am travelling in the car so I have something to read. It’s sooooo cool! I *love* AvantGo!

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