
My Predictions…

Ok, I predict that either Lenny & Karyn or the team of the two guys, the lawyers from the attorney spartanburg sc, what’s their names? Anyways, I predict it will be one of those two teams that won’t make it to next week, and I am really leaning towards Lenny & Karyn. Their squabbles will be the end of them. Just my thoughts before the episode begins! I am voting them off the island. Oh, wait, this isn’t Survivor! Oops!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

8 replies on “My Predictions…”

Team Guido was a little better this week then they were last week, but what was up with them sitting in front of the bike shop, hiding under their tarp? That was too funny. At least I wasn’t screaming at the TV this time!

As for Karyn … she really, REALLY ticked me off when she was slamming on Lenny in the end. Yeah, sure Karyn, it’s all his fault. RIGHT. Maybe if she had taken his attitude a little more instead of being a pain in the ass they would still be there. I just knew they wouldn’t last though. She was WRONG for bad mouthing him like that. If I was him, I would have dumped her on the flight home. She should be so lucky to find a nice guy like him again who puts up with her attitude.

Well, they started off last night focusing on how Team Guido sucked, and how everyone hated them – showing everyone eating together in Italy except for them … but you’re right, by the time they got to New Delhi they weren’t focusing on them so much any more, moving it over to Nancy & Emily’s stress. That was classic when they got to the Pit Stop & discovered they weren’t eliminated… My pics would be Drew & Kevin or the separated parents. I was cheering them on when I saw them get that Fast Forward – that was awesome! They got a nice break by doing that.

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