News from Around the World:
:: Minnesota Man Declares Land a Sovereign Indian Nation and puts a Strip Club on It. Hmmm… well, it’s better than when he offered to sell a third of North Dakota to the Soviet Union back in 1959.
:: Law will Create ‘Playground’ for Children on the Internet They’ve approved the “Dot-Kids Implementation and Efficiency Act”, creating the domain. They think it will help protect children from online predators. I think that’s up to parents, not the government. Should we place bets on how fast the predators and the pr0n infiltrate it?
:: A Feminist’s Barbie Conundrums – Barbie reflects our confusion about feminism in some pretty interesting ways.
:: Nuts Can Help Protect Women from Diabetes – considering the history of diabetes in my family, I think I need to start eating five or more servings of nuts or peanut butter a week! Learn more about diabetes at
:: Appeals Court Upholds Louisiana’s Sodomy Law – I wonder if the law is still on the books in Texas, and how it would hold up in court. I really don’t think it’s the government’s right to snoop around in our bedrooms, do you?
:: Speaking of Texas, porn showed up in a Ft. Worth businessman’s slide show and he was jailed because of it – somehow, it’s odd that child pornography just showed up in his slideshow. He claimed it was a virus on his computer; interesting, since they found he had e-mailed pictures to others and the virus placed a folder of printed pictures in his desk too. Nice to know he’s a pastor at a Baptist Church too.
:: Birth Control Pill for Men for Sale in 5 Years – well, it’s about friggin’ time!
[via We Have Brains]
3 replies on “News From Around the World…”
I am loving the idea of birth control for men!
BC for men is cool…but how do we know that they are really using it? How many times have we heard about women lying to guys about being on the pill? This would only work in a committed relationship, not for casual sex.
In my case, we don’t want kids, so my husband had a vasectomy. I had to take him to and from the doc’s, plus take care of him for the couple of days it took him to recover…so I am sure I am safe!
Also…I agree about that new domain. It ain’t gonna work. It IS up to the parents to fight this crap!
Hope you and Jason and the rest of your family and loved ones had a great Toikey Day!
Yes, a reason to eat more nuts … wait, only women?!? Man, that’s stinky. 😉