It’s been a pretty nice quiet day. I sat outside on the patio while it was raining and finished reading “Confessions of a Shopaholic” by Sophie Kinsella. It is similar to Bridget Jones’s Diary in some ways, but I actually liked it more I think. It was hysterically funny. I guess I can relate to her debt issues, especially after the past year or two. Anyways, the book is fab. V. fab.
Jason & I are watching “War Games” on DVD while I work on the site look. I added the Freshly Made design that Mar did for me. I pulled out links that were dead. I added things I had read & watched. I have had fun with it. Jason is really in to War Games right now. We are at the end scene where the computer is playing Tic-Tac-Toe. Funny, even though technology has advanced so much, this is still a cool movie. It is worth mentioning that I adore Matthew Broderick and I don’t think I have ever seen a movie with hi in it that I haven’t absolutely loved. Matter of fact, I want to get “Cable Guy” and “Addicted to Love” on DVD. Love those movies.
I am bummed though – while reading Shopaholic I was thinking I should go look and see if Changing Rooms or Trading Places was on TV. I was too into the book though, so I didn’t get up. Now I find out thanks to Melissa that there has been a marathon of them on, along with a Law & Order marathon. I *love* Law & Order. I set the Tivo to record the episode that is coming on at 8pm.