Jason & I attended the Aeros game last night and we had a great time. I loved it! I would love to go again this season – it was a lot of fun! And Scott was not kidding about those seats! Goal, the ice behind the goal, wall, 1 row of seats which was where the goal judge sat to watch to make sure a goal went in, and then us. Awesome view! Kymberlie said that when she went she found some of it disturbing (I’ll let her share…) but I didn’t see any of those things. No kids shouting things like “Kick their ass!”. No Hooters girls. Nope, our entertainment was couples tossing phone books to each other for a prize, and then the puck toss where they put a helmet in the middle of the ice and had the fans toss hundreds of pucks at it hoping to get one in. (No one succeeded.) There was one fight and some obvious bodyslamming into the plexiglass right in front of us, but … well, that’s what hockey is, isn’t it? Jason had a great time and made sure he showed off the puck I bought him!
This morning at about 11:30 or so, Chelsey called to invite me & Jason to go with her & Doug to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. It’s the last year that the Rodeo will be held in the Astrodome – next year it will be in the Texans stadium. We saw Pat Green. I had no clue who he is, I just went along for the show! Afterwards they came back to my house so that we could get her pictures off of my digital camera which she borrowed a few weeks ago. I burned them to a CD for her and sent them on their way after we watched some of the Olympics. She brought me the part of my Christmas gift which she forgot before – a Moonet Cow Parade statue! It was wonderful to have a chance to get together with her!