I just have to say that Heath Ledger is quite adorable. Even though he is 10 years younger than me, I would have to seriously consider it if I by some miracle had the chance to date him. Uh huh, like that’s about to happen.
I slept all day, now I am wide awake. I tried to watch Topsy-Turvy but it didn’t make any sense. I am Tivo’ing The Patriot right now. I also updated blog links over on the sidebar. Took me forever, because I had to check links, remove sites that are no longer online like Ilopan. I’ll miss Laura’s writing. She really is a neat person, and I wouldn’t be at my new job if it wasn’t for her. But I can understand her decision, sometimes I don’t miss the computer at all.
Naomi came over last night & we watched What Dreams May Come. I love that movie. The IO hated it, so it was hysterical when I read in the DVD insert, “For those who believe in eternal love, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not, no explanation is possible.” Yep, makes sense now! You know, I miss him in fleeting moments, but it is almost scary how little I miss him after so many years together. Further proof of how he pushed me away and how we were both hanging on to nothing. Anyways… It was fun having Naomi over. We got to laugh again over how Solanto told me the other day that the rumor at the FC was that we had something going on between us. Too funny! Geepers, how much crap about me can those people make up and lie about? And more importantly – WHY? Why after someone is so loyal to your company, works as hard as I did, why do you stab them in the back over and over? As if they didn’t screw me over enough with the final paycheck issue (I still get such joy over the thought of the state subpeonaing their accounting records to prove that they screwed me over) they then felt some insane need to spread bizarre rumors and outright lies about me. You know, considering they act like I was solely responsible for the downfall of their company, I sure was underpaid! LOL Hmmm… top in sales every single month I was there (selling more than all the other sales people combined most months), and yet still solely responsible for their downfall. I never knew I had such power. Here I thought they owned the company, not me? Oh well, like the IO issue – I am in a MUCH better place these days! And surprisingly, much happier too! Funny how that works.
Gee, can you tell I am starting to get tired? Just babbling along… Well, you know – to make a short story long…
8 replies on “Oh, Heath Baby…”
You do know that Heath Ledger is currently dating Heather Graham, who’s about a decade older than him, right?
Actually you are wrong Keith Heath Ledger and Heather Graham recently broke up – which means he is available for me! I wish 🙂
Oooooo… so he likes us older women, huh? 🙂 Well, if I can’t have Ben Affleck, I’ll take Heath Ledger then!
I am 30 years old and even though he is younger, I think he is absolutely georgous. I love that sweet innocent way about him.
He is something else! Hot! Hot! Hot!
r.i.p Heath
its just too darn sad.. but I guess he is the modern day Marilyn for us, so sad and bittersweet that we grieve for a life un lived…