
Other Booklovers?

After my Library Adventures on Tuesday, I decided that I really want to revamp my Media blog and either include links to the books I’ve read as regular posts here, or make them easier to access on my sidebar. But then I start to wonder … what do you think? (Yeah, you. There. In that chair. I’m talking to you.) Would you care? Do you read books? Should I leave them tucked on the side in the sidebar links, or would you want to see them integrated here?

It’s sort of like those books you had when you were a kid – I’m proposing two options, you get to pick which one you want. How cool is that? (Ok, I only had one of those books – but my cousin had a ton. I always thought they were just the coolest thing…) I’m not doing decisions today – tell me what to do.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

16 replies on “Other Booklovers?”

I read a lot, but when someone blogs a WHOLE LOT about all the books they read I tend to ignore most of the entries. But if someone only blogs once in a while about a book, then I pay attention because I figure there must be something special about that particular book. Does that make sense?

Anyway, so I just keep a list in my sidebar of what I’m reading, and only talk about them once in a blue moon.

also, i don’t like my sidebar to be longer than my posts themselves… and that’s why i dumped everything on their very own page and then linked to it from the index…

your media links are very far down on your sidebar… it might be hard to find! ever thought of making a colophon (sp?) like Zuly and Kristine?

A sidebar sounds good to me. I love reading, but I haven’t been able to devour much since the girls were born. 🙂 I depend on others’ reviews to see if it’s worth the effort of buying the book and attempting to read it and, more importantly, *concentrate* on it.

Ash – it’s getting more cumbersome, i think! it’s like i need a sidebar for my sidebar for my sidebar! LOL and come to think of it, there’s more that i want to add to my sidebar… oh, woe is me.

Hmmmm… Can we have both? It’d be great if you could talk about them in your main section posts, and then list them in the sidebar for quick reference? But if I HAVE to pick one, I’d say the sidebar, because that way I can scan over it quickly whenever I drop by the site.

I heart my library. Instead of wasting money on buying movies and books, we borrow them, enjoy them and give ’em back for free. No need to find a place in our house for new junk. And we can afford to keep eating.

Some people seek out book reviews. The side bar might be your best bet so they’ll be easier to find.

I vote for the sidebar. With the books listed by category. And searchable. And sortable. With links to buy the book online at the lowest priced vendor. And more links to other reviews of the book. And a way to keep track if I like the same books you do, with a rating system, so that I can see at a glance whether your list has matched my taste.
(you may have to give up your day job to accomplish all this though)
But if you don’t, I guess I’ll just keep going to the bookstore buying whatever catches my eye.

I kinda agree with kathy…I have been experimenting with a media list on my blog and even with the least amount of entries (5) it goes quite a long way down…

So I too am thinking of how I can get my media choices into a more prominant section…And I DO like to read about what other people are reading – although it tend to make me feel that I am a very shallow person!

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