I still have a headache. I have now had a headache every day since Wednesday. Mike went out of town on Wednesday – heading to LA for his brother’s graduation from CalTech. I wonder if that is just a coincidence. Caffeine isn’t helping. Excedrin isn’t helping. My sinuses hurt. My eyes hurt. His flight lands at 5:24 pm. Hopefully his return to Houston will somehow magically make my headache go away. Otherwise, I’m starting to think I should go to the doctor tomorrow – I can’t take this any longer. Maybe it’s all the rain. Could the fact that we’re finally getting rain after months of no rain at all be affecting the barometric pressure and causing my head to hurt. I don’t know. I give up. I’m just tired of having a headache.
8 replies on “Ouch, Ouch, Ouch … Still.”
i’ve had a raging migraine for days, and i am convinced that is has to do with a) the rain, and b) the barometric pressure.
it may sounds stupid for people who doesn’t suffer like us, but its totally true. and my heart goes out to you… feel better soon 🙂
i feel your pain (literally and currently!) — hoping your melon leaves you alone soon!
Hehe, and I’m starting to get a headache from all the rain we’ve had recently. 😉 Hope you’re feeling better!! 😀
Here’s to the departure of your headache!
Do you think it might be something in the house? I’ve gone from pneumonia to allergies and still raging with a head cold.. I wonder if something is in the air in the house that’s keeping me down – maybe you too??
do you have anything in your house you can ask? usually there is something like a floating head in the attic ar a face in the wall. they usually know everything. check cracks in the tile.
I have similar headache issues. Caffeine and more caffeine coupled with lots of pain medication and darkness is usually the only solution.
Next time you get a headach you can’t shake try BC Headache Powder. It works fast and is great for migraines.