Everyday Avenger Travel Notes

On Birthdays, Camp Mighty, and Charity:Water…

Water at Glacier National Park

One week from today, I’ll turn 44 years old. I have a favor to ask of all of you.

Wow, wait. Did I really just write that? 44? That means I turned 31 the year I started this blog. Unreal. Seems like only yesterday, and yet so very long ago! So much has changed. I watched the Internet grow up, and my son grow up, and I grew up with it all.

This summer, on the most epic road trip EVER, I’ve been so fortunate to see so many of my friends and family along the way. People I otherwise only see online.

When Stephanie & I wrapped up the launch of Vivid & Brave here in Calgary, Mike & I started to talk about where I would go next. Should I turn south and head home and fly to Camp Mighty in mid-October? Or should I go big or go home and drive to ALASKA for my birthday, then down the Pacific Coast, eventually turning inland to head to Camp Mighty?

Well, it wouldn’t really be the most epic road trip ever if I didn’t drive to ALASKA now, would it?

So I am. I am driving from Calgary, through Banff and Jasper, and on to Alaska. I plan to see Mt McKinley on my birthday next Friday.

Then the icing on the proverbial birthday cake? Mike surprised me and used some of the airline miles he has earned this year with all of his work travel and bought a plane ticket to meet me in Alaska! WHOO HOOOOOO!!! It has only been a week or two since he left Calgary, but it will still be great to see him!

Now I have a favor to ask from all of YOU.

Camp Mighty does a fundraiser every year for Charity:Water, and as part of our registration we are tasked with helping raise money. Charity:Water is a non-profit organization that brings clean, safe drinking water to people in developing nations. I would love it if you could help me raise $200 for Charity:Water by my birthday next week on September 27th. Really, I’d like to raise even MORE for them. $4400. $100 for every year I’ve been alive.

That is where YOU come in. If everyone reading this donates $10-20, we can make it happen! If there is one thing I’ve learned on this trip, it is that you can do anything you set your mind to doing.

Want to help? Visit the Camp Mighty Charity:Water donation page. Make a donation. Be sure to note that your donation to add a note that the funds are being donated in my name – Christine Tremoulet. That way they know to credit me & Team 4 at Camp Mighty.

As awesome as it will be to start my birthday off next week in Alaska, it will be even more incredible to know that I kicked off the next year by banding together with all of you to do good for those that truly need our help. Charity:Water is a charity I’ve donated several times to in the past, and what they are doing to get clean water to people who need it most is amazing. Chip in and change a life.

PS – I have photo session times available now in Alaska (Anchorage & Fairbanks), Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and San Jose! Let me know if you would like to set up a session!

The above photo was taken at Glacier National Park in Montana. The water was so blue, so clear – and the mountains so mighty. I can’t wait to see what is on the road ahead!

Everyday Avenger

Save My Colorado Wedding – Making the World More Romantic…

My friend Sarah Roshan, a Colorado wedding photographer, has created “Save My Colorado Wedding”, working towards her mission to make the world more romantic. She doesn’t just want to save her client’s weddings during the catastrophic floods – she wants to help save as many weddings as possible. This is just one of the interviews she did this week about what has been happening in Colorado.

When Hurricane Ike hit Houston a few years ago, a lot of weddings were impacted by it. I was still mainly a wedding photographer at the time, and the day Ike hit I was in Louisiana photographing a wedding. Even being several hours away from Houston, we had 80 mile an hour winds because the storm was so huge. A number of Houston guests didn’t head over for the wedding because they did not want to travel, not after the disaster that evacuation was during Hurricane Rita a few years earlier.

Two weeks after Hurricane Ike, on my birthday, with the birthday bride (yes, she got married on her birthday!) I photographed another wedding at a venue still without power in Houston.

When you’re planning your wedding, things like catastrophic storms aren’t something you consider. Worse case scenario, you maybe plan for some rain on your wedding day. Yes, even along the Gulf Coast – I’ve lived in Houston for over 25 years, and only a handful of named storms have hit Houston in that time. You don’t plan for things like your venue still not having power two weeks after a storm. Or maybe your venue sliding off a mountain and floating away in a flood as is the case in Colorado right now.

If I lived in Colorado, I doubt that I would plan for anything as catastrophic as what they are seeing right now. It makes me furious that the media is giving it so little attention, as this flood they are experiencing is far worse than what we saw in Houston with Hurricane Ike. It feels like since the storm doesn’t have a name, it isn’t a big deal? Entire towns are destroyed.

Maybe it really hits home for me because I drove both the Boulder Canyon and the Big Thompson River Canyon in early August of this year. I have seen these places that are flooded right now. Beautiful, amazing places. Roads that are now gone. Not damaged, but holes left in them, washed away, GONE.

I just can’t put in to words how damn proud I am of Sarah right now. When the floods were just starting, she was already making a list of venues still open. When people started putting pleas for help out on Facebook to find a new, non-flooded venue for a wedding not even 48 hours away, she stepped in to help connect them with venues who could help. She has worked tirelessly for the past week, along with a team of planners and volunteers, to get people connected.

With all the media attention on the bad things in the world, it helps me to know that there are great people like Sarah out there. The human race as a whole is WONDERFUL. We step up. We help where we are needed. People like Sarah do, indeed, make the world a more romantic place. It gives me hope.

Sarah Roshan - Colorado Wedding Photographer


Imagine if More Children Spent Their Whole School Day Outside?

Sunset from Crater Lake in Oregon
Sunset from Crater Lake in Oregon

I’ve talked a lot recently about how being outdoors, among nature, getting grounded with the earth truly changes us. Then I came across this post today from Lulastic about a Kindergarten in Germany held in a forest.

No toilets. No electricity. Held outdoors in all seasons. With minimal adult interaction. And knives.

Not some Lord of the Flies craziness – this school, Waldkindergarten outside of Freiberg, in south Germany, is helping children between two and a half and six learn. Grow. Communicate. Have imaginations. But most importantly? Be CONFIDENT in themselves.

What an amazing place – I would love to see more of these around the world. However, they don’t exist, but what does exist is that every parent can take their child out and do the same. Take them outside. Not a structured play setting. Take them in to nature. Where they can explore, touch things, hike, play … and grow their confidence.

Get outside. Let free creativity flourish.


I Watched the Internet Grow Up…

Kristine with a K in Portland

I forget sometimes how I have watched the Internet grow up live, first hand. Right in front of me. Blogging since 2000 — well, my first dip in the blogging pool was actually after watching Faith and other designers create things similar to blogs in 1999, but I really got going with blogging in 2000 — means I have seen a lot. I forget that sometimes.

Then I’m at my friend Stephanie’s house and I pick up the First 20 Years issue of Wired Magazine.

Looking at the list of the influencers, the things, the events, the websites … I realize that there are people I’ve met among that list. People that if you asked me, I’d even dare to call friends.

It is strangely fascinating to me. There are people on the list that I wouldn’t have included. People that I feel have dramatically changed the way the world interacts with the internet (Matt of WordPress for example) that are not included on the list.

As I logged in to my blog to write this post, I saw that I had traffic today from this post that Matt wrote back in 2004. He came *to my house* to do my MovableType to WordPress migration, personally. I asked him a few years ago about why, and he said it was the largest blog to migrate that he was aware of at that point in time.

It is just fascinating to think of it all. Back in 1987 as I started college, my mom asked me why I didn’t consider majoring in Computer Science because I seemed to like it so much in high school. I laughed, and asked what I do with THAT???

I’d say the joke was on me, but in reality I still ended up where I belonged. Thanks to a law firm where I worked in IT needing to get online, I had early access to the internet. I hand-coded the HTML after teaching myself how and built my first GeoCities site. I was given stock in GeoCities, and later sold it to fund the down payment on a car. I eventually found the Digital Divas (I think that is what they were called?) and started to blog. I went to South by Southwest Interactive in 2002, back when it was so small that the whole thing maybe took up 10 rooms in the convention center, there were no big corporations at the trade show (Microsoft, etc), and the after-party was at Bruce Sterling’s house — and there I met some of the very people on this Wired Magazine cover.

I have always written from the heart. I have always been myself, vulnerably and authentic. I have always shared freely, both on my blogs and on forums in various places. It is incredible to look back at what that has brought me in return in my life. Not just the people on the magazine cover, but deep friendships that have been forged as well. Friends that it may have taken me years to meet up with in person (like Kristine, in the photograph above, who I was able to meet up with after 12 years in Portland this summer), but that changed my life none the less. My entire job focuses around the internet now, and while I never thought that would be a reality 15 years ago, now it feels perfectly natural to me.

I’m so grateful for all of the friends in my life that the internet has brought me. I’ve learned over the years that there are people behind the keyboards, and most of them are pretty accessible. We are all often linked together in some way. I’m lucky that I watched the internet grow up, because it has changed my life in so many ways.

Travel Notes

Life Is Too Short – Travel Now!

Saint Mary Lake - Glacier National Park

As I sat on the side of a mountain overlooking Saint Mary Lake in Glacier National Park, I couldn’t help but stop and think about how I think it is wrong to wait until retirement to travel. The time to take a month or two off to go out and see the world shouldn’t be when you are over 65. It should be NOW.

Travel enriches your life. Helps you to see the world from a WHOLE perspective. Not a new perspective, but a compete one. See how other people live. Understand their beliefs. How the geography and weather has shaped them. How the world impacts them – and to feel the impact yourself.

I believe it gives us a greater understanding and appreciation of our impact on the Earth. As beautiful as Going to the Sun road is throughout Glacier National Park, I understand why the tribes native to this region consider it a scar across the mountains. I’m glad the road is here, but I couldn’t help but think as I stood at the exhibit at the visitor’s center just how devastating it must have been to them to see their land changed as a road was created to transport thousands of visitors a year through the park. What changes that road has brought to the land. For example, I know that the invention of plastic has brought many advances and conveniences, but I also see the damage that it does. Litter on our highways, in our fields.

I believe travel, and especially camping and hiking, have sparked a passion in me to change. To respect the Earth more. Being among the mountains gives me a sense of strength and peace. In return, I want to take care of nature. Recycle. Reuse things. Be mindful of my impact on the world.

There are no guarantees that we will live to see retirement age. There are no guarantees that once you hit 65, you can stop working. I expect that by the time I reach 65, people will have to work well past that age. I would much rather structure my life so I can enjoy the good things throughout the years, savoring them now instead of waiting for a day that might not come. I think that facing your mortality can bring about the most beautiful things in life because it creates gratitude for the present moment. A mindful presence in this world. (My friend Tracy wrote an amazing post recently on Magnificent Mortality, and if you haven’t read it – you should. She sums up everything I have been thinking so well!)

Life is SHORT. Leave an impact on the world. Get out there. Enjoy your parks, your scenic drives. Don’t wait for the future. Do it NOW. Go!!!