I was cracking up when I read about the panty revolution (note: link corrected thanks to observant Bison) over at Green Eyes Brown. Classic, very classic. As are all her stories – I can’t stop laughing! (Thanks, Erika for the link!)
4 replies on “Panty Revolution!”
Actually, I might try to talk you into just that if I was going to be home this weekend. Unfortunately I have to go to the ranch. I’m not thrilled. Anyway, perhaps I can be persuasive another weekend, eh? If not then the Ren Fest is coming up. 🙂
ummm…. I think you got the wrong link, here. what this links to is decidedly unfunny.
Hmmm… you’re right. I just used the “link it” link. Not sure what went wrong. I’ll edit it now.