I just received my copy of “Bookmark Now: Writing in Unreaderly Times,” edited by Kevin Smokler, in the mail today. The book comes out on June 1st, but I have an advance copy from the publisher. Ironic, since I just mentioned Kevin in my earlier post about the gnomes. It was perfect timing too; I just finished reading “The Fiery Cross,” the fifth book of the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. After reading almost 5,000 pages about the 1700s, I’m ready to come back to modern times!
This book is “a collection of all original essays from today’s (and tomorrow’s) young authors on the state of the art — and the art of the hustle — in the age of information overload.” The book looks at why these authors came to writing as a calling, in the “most media-saturated time in history, a time when books face greater cultural competition than ever before.” To quote the book cover, “The end result is not only a voyeuristic peek into the creative lives of today’s writers, but a timely glimpse into a changing book business. Storytelling, it will become clear – as a means of self-realization, community building, or simply putting one’s point across – is now more relevant than ever before.”
I have only made it into the introduction so far, but I’m really looking forward to reading it. I’ve already offered to be a part of the Virtual Book Tour for the book later this month, so I hope to be reviewing it then.
6 replies on “Perfect Timing…”
How did you like the Diana Gabaldon series? I read the first three and loved them, but had to take a break and as you said “get back to modern times”. I will eventually get to the remaining ones.
I LOVE Diana Gabaldon; I’ve read the series twice now — and anxiously await the next book. The rich historical background of the story is just wonderful – and the romance between Jamie and Clare is one of the best I’ve ever read.
Oh! I knew about the Lord John Gray book (which I haven’t read yet, I need a break from 1000 page books), but I wondered if there was going to be another Outlander book! It seems a shame to just leave them hanging in the early 1770s!
I think of the 5 books, #4 might have been my least favorite. #5 (Fiery Cross) was really good though, and needed #4 to get you there. So it is pretty safe to say I liked them all!
I’m re-reading the Outlander series, I’m on Voyager now. Her new book, “A Breath of Snow and Ashes” comes out in September ’05. I can’t wait! Her books have been my favorites and I feel like I “know” Jamie and Claire.
Mmmm… I sometimes feel like I wish I could know Jamie even mooooore. He was *so* yummy in Outlander. Man, one of the yummiest characters ever.
The next book comes out just in time for my birthday – how perfect is *that*?
It’s funny, when you read about Jaime you come up with your own “visual” and I’m sure he looks different to everyone! I see him as being tall, with good legs, and sort of looking like Lynette’s husband on “Desperate Housewives” with long hair.