
Photography Tips…

Lately I have become even more addicted to photography. It’s been a fantastic creative release for me that I had lost touch with over the years (I used to go through a ton of film every week and I have the boxes of photos to prove it.) As I take more photographs with my SLR (single lens reflex – aka my “real” camera, a Minolta X-370 35mm camera where you set the f-stop, the shutter speed and focus the lens, all manual) and my digital camera (Olympus D-460 Zoom that I love), I want to learn more about how they work. These articles have been pretty interesting for me:

:: Digital Photography: The Way I See It – great info on the difference between SLRs and digital cameras and tips on how to pick a digital.
:: Digital’s Dirty Little Secrets – fantastic insight on going digital. Things I hadn’t thought of before. Wow… I think my excursions with the SLR are going to increase now.
:: Pictures in the Mind – good article about photo composition and how to “see” a shot. I’ve had people comment before that I take good photos – but the trick is what they say here; “the more you shoot the better you get”. That’s what is great about digital – take all you want, the only worry is a full card or dead batteries.
:: Top 10 Digital Photography Mistakes – advice. Read it.
:: Get Started – links to a ton of articles to help you make the most of your digital camera and to be a better photographer too.
:: Secrets to Enduring Travel Photos

Several of these links are from Ciscley’s page with photo links and information, part of her CisSnaps, her photolog.

Now I’m going to go add more photos to the Boston Baby! gallery! Some of my “real” film photos will be online even, including the black & white ones!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

6 replies on “Photography Tips…”

Thanks for all the links – between you and Ciscley, I’m gonna be a pro 😉
And did I mention? I’m glad you are back, cuz I missed your beautiful bloggy self while you were gone!! {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}

Thanks for sharing those links. I’m always on the lookout for photography tips and info.

BTW, I loved all your Boston pictures. I really must make it up there sometime. 🙂

Great links! There’s some really good information there, and I’m reading everything I can as I save up for a Canon EOS D60. However, I must disagree with many of the points in the Digital’s Dirty Secrets article. The concept is very valid, but some of the individual points are way off. USB 2.0 is everywhere, and fully backward compatible. I think what has changed is that computers permeate so many levels of society that the paridigm regarding backwards compatibility has changed. Anyway, my .02 🙂 Thanks again for the links.

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