
Pick a Phone…

Samsung Blackjack, Blackberry Pearl or a Palm Treo … which one would you pick, and why?

Please discuss.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

9 replies on “Pick a Phone…”


i got the treo 700p from sprint one year ago
i left in November never to return. too many crashes and bugs and a horrible sprint experience. my story may not be universal but plenty of people have complained about it. in short, the palm operating system is doomed. the treo tried to be too many things and has too much going on to be stable. it’s also heavy as hell. i mean it would crash on phone calls. that’s dangerous. what if i really need to make a call??

i traded for the blackberry pearl from t-mobile and have been MUCH happier. it’s less capable but also less complicated. and it’s good to have a phone again. I’ve had the treo 600 or 700p for years and forgot that the idea of a cell phone SHOULD be something small in your pocket that can’t be mistaken for sexual harassment. the pearl has hung on me too, but only when I try to load ridiculous web pages. still has quirks but is far more stable than the 700p for me.

don’t know anything about the blackjack

i’ve never used windows mobile, but I’m sure it’s come a long way from what I read.

good luck!

I haven’t gotten much of a chance to check out the Blackjack, but I would definitely go for the Pearl over the Treo. Email is so wonderful on Blackberry that I find it hard to even think about going back to a Palm or PPC system.

I say none of the above. I’m reading your blog and posting my response on my Sidekick — I’ve been using them since the day they came out and I’m happy as I can be with it. I briefly considered the Pearl, but I like having a full keyboard. And for me, IM, email and a good browser are essential.

See, I’m going to go the opposite direction from Baratunde and recommend the Treo (the 750 if you’re Windows Mobile inclined, the 680 if you like teh classic Palm). I’ve been on a Verizon Treo 700p since last June, and have not had any issues beyond the occasional reset (maybe once every other month), and that’s with a host of third party applications installed. I’ve been using it lately as a GPS navigator (with the Palm TomTom GPS kit) with no problems. And while the Treo is a little beefier than some of the other WinMo or Blackberry units, I find it comfortable to use, both for text and (shock!) as an actual, factual phone.

I will confess that I finally saw the Blackberry Pearl in person while in Austin, and it is sexy as hell. But I’m still not sold on that ‘SureType’ keypad.

well, most of the problems most of you have with the treo’s are operator error. if you dont know how to use a feature then ask for help or read directions. if you have no intentions in using all the features of the phone what is the purpose of buying it? i mean after allwe all have better things to spend money in then phone features that we are not going to use.

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