Birthday Wishes


I think I figured out the melancholy mood earlier. In years past, my birthday has either fallen on a weekend, so I’ve been surrounded by family and friends, or on a weekday, and I’ve been at work with co-workers, making lunch plans with them or with friends in downtown, and so forth. This year, I’m home alone. On top of that, I was waiting for the air conditioner man to come and fix the plugged drain so our AC wasn’t overflowing in to the overflow system and draining outside. I had no idea how much that was going to cost, but bills on your birthday are generally no fun. (It wasn’t that bad though. Yeah!)

Also, throughout the year we have done Tiara Happy Hours for birthdays, and while I was originally going to plan one, the timing just wasn’t right – last weekend was booked, and this coming weekend is full too. Bah.

Maybe I just need to get together with the rest of my Birthday Equinox girls (Emily’s is March 27, Sara’s is June 27, I’m September 27, and LT’s is December 27) and do some sort of spiritual birthday chant or something. I think if we chant the right way we can control the weather or something like that. (Maybe we need to put it to good use and help Florida?)

Anyways, going to lunch with my Mom was a nice treat, and it was absolutely delicious. Jason will be home from school soon, and later we’ll go out for dinner when Mike gets home. All in all, a good day.

Thank you so much to everyone for your well wishes, e-mails, virtual chocolates and so forth – they truly have brightened up my day! Mwah! You guys rock! I refuse to start this year off sounding like a big whiner, and you have helped turn that around! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

13 replies on “Pinpointed…”

Happy happy birthday, fellow 27ist!

I just thought you should know that not only do I take my birthday very seriously (and immediately adore anyone who shares the 27 with me) but that I do a birthday countdown on September 27. Silly, right? I have no idea why I’m like this, but I am, and always have been as long as I can remember.

Oh, and: I *always* take off on my birthday. Growing up, it always fell on a school vacation… but beyond that, I make sure that I always have off for it 🙂

happy birthday to you! this years birthday was a bit of a bummer for me as well. it was my first birthday living (permanently) away from home, and my family decided to celebrate 2 weeks early. i did go out to lunch at work the day of, but with all my family and friends far away, it wasn’t a very exciting birthday! anyway, i’m glad you’ve got your family to be with you on your birthday, and i hope its a good one! 🙂

Happy Birthday! You share a b-day with my Mom – may you have as many happy and healthy birthdays (and more) as she has (83 and still going strong and healthy)!!

Oh, and I’ve decided that Birthday’s are no longer fun. I was kinda depressed on my birthday – and now that it’s passed I feel SO! much better. So, whine all you like and just sing “It’s my birthday and I’ll whine if I want to… whine if I want to… whine if I want to…” ;o)

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