My stupid elbow is all out of whack again (grrrr…) and it burns like mad whenever I try to bend my arm. Before I go back to my ice pack and my episode of Footballer’s Wives (my BBC show that I’m currently hooked on), I had to point out that Episode 8 of the Pointy Sticks podcast went live last night. w00t!
This proves once again that I shouldn’t use the desktop computer at all unless I absolutely have to. This happens every single time. Of course, I crashed last night without putting on my elbow brace, so that didn’t help make things better. Ugh.
Go listen to Pointy Sticks and I’ll be back as soon!
3 replies on “Pointing Gently with my Pointy Sticks…”
Yay for new podcasts!
Boo for elbow owwies!
Happy Birthday To US!
Also, when are we going to kvetch about Project Runway!?
I can’t kvetch with you because every time I try to call your @#$& cell phone, it tells me that I’ve dialed an incorrect code or something. I’ve been trying to call all week!
I need some Tara time!