Dear Spammers:
I’m not sure why you insist on sending me such crap via e-mail. I don’t need viagra. I don’t need to make my penis 3 inches longer. Matter of fact, I’m a female, so I *really* don’t have a need for either of those products, but thanks for asking. I don’t want to get a diploma online. I’m glad you think my resume is excellent, but I seriously doubt you’ve ever seen it. I don’t want to meet a nice woman in another country. I don’t need toner cartridges for my printer. I don’t need any of your crap, thank you very much.
Now I’ll be heading on over to Hiveware’s Enkoder Form and hopefully it will protect my e-mail address a little bit better. I’m tired of deleting all this spam. (Although I have to admit it – sometimes the porn spam is funny.)
[link to Hiveware via Matt]
12 replies on “Really, I Don’t Need It…”
Wow, that secret encoder is voodoo! I’ve tried it on my site, too 🙂
I’m going to give this a try, I get so many emails a day it drives me up the wall. Thanks for the link! 🙂
That’s a cool tool. I love smart, generous people.
Is this company for real? If not what a great scam to get people to enter their email addresses, huh. Am I being too cynical or just out of the loop? Please keep us updated on whether or not this helps at all because I must be on the same mailing lists that you are.
Although I have put all forms of *Nigeria* in my filters, sometimes I still get that *Nigerian spam thing*. Grrrrr…..
Oooh. That spammy eradicator looks very cool. Gotta try it someday…
EC, they are very much a real and well respected company. Dan Benjamin is the man behind the curtain. If your email address is already out there (like mine) I have found a combination of procmail and Spam Assassin to be very effective.
I wonder if it’s cause I opted out of the doubleclick cookie profiling me or maybe cause I don’t use Gator spyware to profile me cause I, also a female, get the very same spam. I have an encoder built into my blog too. For posting on blogs I use an email address that has excellent spam filters. I think all my spam is from my being in Yahoo Groups cause when I changed my primary email address, the spam followed. Coincidence, I think not.
I get the “grow your penis” e-mails too, but they’re especially funny when they come to me. When they find my Yahoo address, the subject line usually reads:
“dyke_in_DC, your penis 3 inches longer!”
Thanks for the encoder link, Christine. I did it today and it works great. I even checked it in a non-java browser and all that shows is a line which says “java just be enable to view this e-mail address” or something like that. Thanks again!
I get the “see young college chicks” ones a lot…and I look at myself and think…but…I am a young college girl…soo…yeah.
New stuff for the new day!
I was over at Christine’s, catching up, reading her good stuff, smelling those pink cookies, when I happened upon her