So I woke up WAY too early, and realized as I was on the giant hill onramp from Beltway 8 to 290 that I have been truly spoiled working so close to home for the past 2 and a half years. Oh my God. I forgot how horrid morning traffic can be, and especially on the way to the Galleria. But that was the most eventful part of my day. I had no problem finding the office building and got there in one piece, and the rest of the day was pretty low key. I was working at a reception desk, answering phones on a cool computer phone switchboard set-up. The office was really nice, the people were friendly. I only got a call stuck in phone limbo one time, and the HR person that trained me said the phones always act up when they have a temp.
But you want to know a secret? Want to know what was a really cool feeling? Leaving at 6pm (it was a 9 hour day) and just walking away from it all. Instead of a list of 87 things I need to follow up on Monday, I got to leave a note for the receptionist for when she returns and then I was out the door. Sure, I didn’t make what I’m used to making as far as money goes … but no stress. I forgot what that feels like. I don’t think I could work that way forever – I tend to thrive on stress – but for today it felt good.
My resume has gone out from the placement counselor to a few more firms. She is hoping to hear back from them early next week, so now it’s a waiting game. Meanwhile I’ll temp whenever I can to make some extra money. I think I’ll enjoy the stress free days.
Tomorrow morning I head to the USS Lexington with my Dad & Jason. It’s one of our last Cub Scout activities – Jason’s Arrow of Light Ceremony is Sunday, December 15th. I can’t believe he’s done with Cub Scouts. This will be a great way to end it – one final trip with everyone that we’ve been so involved with for years.
6 replies on “Results of Temp Assignment v1.1”
Cub Scouts are cool. Is he going to Weblos next? I made it all the way to Eagle in Boy Scouts. I hope Jason does too.
Glad to hear that your temp assignment went smooth.
I was married on the USS Lexington! Really! I was stationed on the ship when it was in Pensacola Fl. I worked for the Commanding Officer (main man) and for a week I was in the dilema of getting married in Pensacola or in Jacksonville where my husband at the time lived and all my friends were… the C.O. came into my office and said “You’ll get married here”. He gave me away and had his personal cook do my reception in the museum.
I want to take my kids there one day to show them where mom and dad got married. 🙂
I LOVED being a temp. I mean, not enough for it to be my only job once I became an adult, but for a while I considered myself a professional temp. Not just anyone can go in, learn a job in one day (even with a receptionist job there are names and extensions and a whole new phone system to learn), and leave after one day with the company completely satisfied with their performance. Glad you enjoyed it!
(PS. Same Lisa, new url)
Arrow of Light, huh? That’s impressive. I went on to get my Eagle Scout, but I never got my Arrow of Light.
Stick with it, kid. Good going, Mom.
When I was blown out of my last job I temped a lot. It was nice being able to work at a place and call the agency and say, I don’t want to work there anymore. And yes, walking out at 5 with no guilt of needing to work late is the best. I had a few temp jobs want me, but I didn’t really want to be filing oil contracts and entering data all day.
But it is interesting to see what jobs you get based only on a database match that says you are great with MS office, have good PC skills and type fast.
Enjoy the diversion. A new job every week is a nice change.