
Secret (Dud) Santa…

Just like Michele, my Secret Santa was a dud. Nothing. I made Kymberlie look at my wishlist a week or so ago, and then again on Friday. The only thing ordered is Jessy’s gift from Mar’s Secret Santa exchange waiting for me under my tree. That’s it. I’m not really complaining, it’s already been a great Christmas so far. Moulin Rouge from Kymberlie, a lovely bottle of wine from the boss, “Best of New Order” from Tod at work (cleverly packaged in a CROUTON BOX with some dry pasta so I seriously thought it was a box of croutons and almost didn’t open it!), my gift from Jessy, goodies from Robyn & Todd, and … well, the joy of having so many wonderful friends. But it annoys me that someone would sign up for the exchange and then … nothing. And I have sent 3 e-mails to the good folks at ThinkBlank, and haven’t heard “boo” back yet. Oh well, lessons learned.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

7 replies on “Secret (Dud) Santa…”

Sorry to hear about that! That’s one of the reasons why I didn’t sign up for it…I thought there might be some people who wouldn’t come through. Anywho, Merry Christmas to you and Jason!


I just found your site whilst surfing.. and NOW YOU A WONDERFUL DAILY CLICK OF MINE..

as i began to type this… i RECIEVED my presesnt from my SECRET SANTA via UPS …. so don’t GIVE UP HOPE!!!

merry happy holiday season to you!!!

take care…..

I think I may be in the same situation. I participated in the giftswap over at (I think that’s the right URL), and I’ve not heard or seen a thing from my Secret Santa. Live and learn, right? Hope you have a great Christmas, Christine… I’ve loved reading your blog! *hugs*

Christine – it’s possible your santa could be late, ordered something that takes longer, etc. etc. Don’t give up hope. I got mine. I still think the Thinktank deal was great fun and helped put a lot of smiles on our faces. My santa-ee doesn’t have a web site anymore so I can’t see if she got it or not .


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