Amuse Me


Sure, I enjoy the great DaVinci’s Notebook classics like “The Irish Drinking Song” (We’ll throw up, pass out, wake up and go drinking once again…) and “Internet Porn”, but I was thrilled beyond belief to discover they actually have a song about your favorite eating utensil and mine … the SPORK! Ah, good things. Good things. I think the Spork Posse has a theme song, at least until someone writes one just for us.

By the way, know what happens when you’re 34 floors up and the city is covered in fog? You can’t see a thing and you feel like you’re stuck inside a cloud! What happened to my view? I want my view back!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

12 replies on “Spork!”

i know this has nothing to do with the post, but you maybe checking your comments when you get a little free time…

i’mma call you tonight to see if we can get together for lunch tomorrow (Wednesday) as i’m only working in the morning.

ok – here’s my contribution to your post… i was almost tempted to call off today and give the excuse “i couldn’t find the building!” LOL i got late to work because all of this damn fog.


There is a song on DVN’s third album that is a compilation of a whole lot of strangeness (the Uncle Buford Mega-Mix). During this piece they do a few measures on the word “spork” and continue with a spork joke.

It’s really a lot funnier than it sounds…


I like the fog thing, especially since I’m a big fan of “Keep your head in the clouds, and keep reaching for the stars” line, something I heard from a comedian.

And I’ve seen those buildings before 😉

OK, how’s this for a spork posse song:

Start spreading the news,
My Queen’s on the way.
I want to eat with plasticware.
My Sporks! My Sporks!

Each spork that I use,
I’m willing to say,
It gets right to the heart of it.
My Sporks! My Sporks!

I want to wake up with the posse that never sleeps
To find I’m Geek like the Grrl, Cis is my peep…

These KFC blues
Are melting away.
I’ll make a brand new art of it
With my friend Sporks.
If I can have pink hair,
I’ll make it over there.
It’s up to you, You Sporks! You Sporks!

Eh, it ain’t much, but at least it’s nothin’. 🙂

Spork Posse Anthem
Seems I missed a missive (in the comments) from my fellow Spork Supporter yesterday: Start spreading the news, My Queen’s on the way. I want to eat with plasticware. My Sporks! My Sporks! Each spork that I use, I’m willing

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