I feel very blah and bland lately here. Not overall, not away from the computer – just here. The past few weeks have been busy, the creative juices are flowing. I did a card project day last weekend that went over very well – with a repeat of it coming up this weekend; I’m psyched about stamping and working on getting SassyStamps.com set up and making custom cards for people; Pixelog has been redesigned and I’m enjoying posting photos there again. So many things.
But here? Blah. Maybe I need to go back to my original domain, BlahBlahBlog? Because things weren’t so blah around here then.
I guess I’m just feeling melancholy and wistful for the old days. I miss having people comment, and it’s something I just can’t figure out. Feel free to tell me if you have any thoughts on it.
Meanwhile, enough of my little pity party. I just felt blah and needed to get it out. Maybe then I can move forward past it.
4 replies on “Stale Cookie…”
I think a lot of people who have had a blog for sometime are experiencing what you are feeling. I know I am. Plus it might have something to do with the fact that fall is upon us and we are in the middle of what no doubt will be a crazy election. So keep the faith. This feeling will hopefully soon pass.
If I blogged for my readers and the feedback I get, the page would be empty. We love reading about life and that is the attraction. I like seeing how other people come up with ideas, handle situations, find and live their happy lives.
Also as a newbie to RSS feed aggregators, there is more I can take in and less incentive to comment. If a post strikes a chord I visit the site and comment, but you don’t even have to do that from some feed readers.
Maybe it’s just that time of year…I know I’m feeling the same way about my domain lately. I’ve got a million other things going on, so I’m not unhappy elsewhere, but I totally have to force myself to post anything at GSSV. :/
i miss blogging, period. i’m just not in the mood to do that. i just want to play my game and blog about that, but not everyone wants to know what’s going on in my little Sims 2 neighborhood (unless you’re a key player).