I’m at a crossroads in a decision, and the indecisive part of me can’t decide. I recently worked with Sara of Sadie Olive on redesigning the blog header for Christine Tremoulet. I love it. I’m thrilled with it. It coordinates with my studio, and makes it all feel so tied together. Thing is, we did a “stamped” effect on the logo (which I adore), and I’m trying to figure out if I should carry that effect over to my actual sign that I’m having made for the studio.
It is either that or go with my logo “as is” instead:
The logo colors would stay the same — I’m just trying to decide if I want it to have that slight texture effect.
Feedback? Thoughts? Ideas? Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp…
Edited: I changed out the photo here because I realized it was confusing people. The sign that I plan to have made will be a light cream color, and will have the logo in blue/black on it. Just like the official logo above. I’m just trying to decide if I want the really crisp lines, or for it to have a more “textured” effect like the black logo on burlap above it.
The sign won’t be black lettering, it will be blue & black. It is the effect, how it looks like it is stamped, that I was asking about.
7 replies on “Stamped Logo Choices…”
I like the new header a lot. It’s distinct and has a sense of identity. If that that homespun, whimsical look is part of your branding, then I’d carry it through on the sign. It will invoke the feeling that storefront has been there for awhile.
I would just look into the stamping process and longevity. If the sign starts to weather naturally, it may end up looking “too weathered”, you know? What kind of material is the sign being made out of? I think that comes into play too. If it’s a wooden sign with cool embellishments, the stamped thing would look great. If it’s one of those plastic signs that’s illuminated on the back, the effect may come off looking like a mistake or something, since you don’t normally see that effect on signs like that.
Christine, I LOVE the color scheme. And as far as the stamping goes, my vote is yes. It gives the font a really complementary texture.
The stamp will be printed/painted or however the sign people do it. It won’t actually be stamped, I am just trying to decide if I want it to have that effect. It will be a solid sign, painted — I think it has a wooden base underneath. Not illuminated at all.
Thanks so much for the feedback!!!
I’m not sure what you mean when you say “stamped” I agree with Lynn, that if this fits with your branding then go for it. Nut I think the second one is great as well. To me it says “classic” and “classy”
There is a lot to be said for branding, however I like the 2nd one the best.
I vote for the 2nd as well.
I vote for the second one because I would be concerned about the stamped look being as visible from the road. I think that the lines of the second one are sharper and more distinct and when making a sign that people will be driving past in a car I think that should be a consideration. Of course this could also be because I”m having a horrible time with my eye doctor right now and can’t see anything from anywhere! 🙂