BlahBlahBabble Food

Stick a Fork in It!

While today is full of housework and wrapping gifts before I head over to my parent’s house tonight, I am looking forward to trying out the yummy recipes in Fondue It! that the man in brown just brought to my door! Many thanks to Heather for sending such a savory treat!

My housework has been touched with the holiday spirit thanks to Christmas CDs I got in the mail earlier from Leia and Carla! Then there is the “special” one that EJ made and gave me last weekend – but I can’t listen to that one with Jason home!

Tonight I will go to my parent’s house (8 blocks from my apartment) for dinner and to open our family Christmas gifts. Tomorrow morning we will get up and open the gifts that Santa has left for all of us (Jason doesn’t really believe in Santa any more, but Santa has visited every year of my life and he isn’t stopping now!), and then we will go to church. A nice brunch, some time to play with our gifts, and then dinner to wrap up the day. That’s our family tradition – what is yours? Do you open your gifts on Christmas Eve by the light of the Christmas tree? Or do you get all of them on Christmas morning? Anything else that you must do that make the holidays truly special for you?

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

9 replies on “Stick a Fork in It!”

On Christmas Eve my mom gives us each an ornament that pertains to something we did that year. Usually she writes a cute little poem to go along with it. Then we read the passage from the Bible about the birth of Jesus. Then we eat peppermint ice cream or something. Christmas morning we open all our gifts.

Merry christmas Christine, hope it is filled with good cheer and joy. We usually open one gift on christmas vev and the rest on christmas morning. our Christmas is usually a quite affair, just a few friends, and a delicious scrumtious brunch 🙂

We exchange one gift as soon as we’ve all bought some for each other. Then we wait until Christmas morning to pile into my bedroom, since the tree is at the foot of my bed, & sit around on the floor opening gifts. Then we have breakfast & pile back into my room, play with the gifts & fall back asleep. It’s the one time I feel truly close to my family.

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