Do you have a presence online? Do you have kids that use the internet? Then you should stop and think about this.
Maybe these headlines will catch your attention:
Cyberbullies scare schoolgirls into stripping online.
According to iSafe, 43% of the youth population report being bullied online.
Yeah, you thought it was just a geek thing, didn’t you? I wrote my long, emotional post the other day about the latest round of drama in one area of the blogosphere, but this post? This isn’t about emotion. This is about thinking about what we can do about cyberbullies and really, bullies in general.
Wait. I’m not sure that there is any way to stop them. Because bullies, in one form or another, have been around since the beginning of time.
So instead, lets focus on what we can do to keep ourselves, and our children, safe. Today has been declared “Stop Cyberbullying Day” and I’ll be updating this post throughout the day with links that I think are insightful and worth reading. Do you have tips you want to share, or thoughts on the whole thing? Then I welcome the discussion – feel free to comment about it.
:: NOCyberBullies on Twitter – follow a LONG stream of links there.
:: Stop Cyberbullying Ning Network
:: The Bamboo Project – “What is happening online is just an extension of what’s happening in our society.”
:: 11 Steps to Online Parental Supervision
One reply on “Stop Cyberbullying Day…”
this is agood site