I had to step away from the HTML for a little bit before I could fix it – but it all works now! Please let me know if you see anything odd in your browser. Thanks again to Erika for the wonderful design! I absolutely love it! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
(PS – if you are looking for the Venice skin, or any of the other designs, they are all here! And if you have no clue what I am talking about, you must have a skin set to something other then the Venice skin – so feel free to set your skin to the holiday skin and see what Erika made for me!)
2 replies on “Ta-Da!!! It Works!”
I love the new design! It was quite a surprise to see it this morning. I don’t know if it’s an IE 6 problem or not, but everything is centered (it did that to my test blog that I was working on to learn MT. Now, I am working to move everything from my old NT PC to my new XP PC (ARGH!) and I discovered that this and MY blogs are centering everything. Weird. Not officially using MT yet since I want to put up a new redesigned site before doing anything. Funny, while working in MT… a Blogger lover somehow found it and posted, “Ack! Yet another wonderful Blogger user leaves the fold. Make it stop!” Well, Blogger has been good to me for over a year… but it’s been down more and more… plus, MT adds regularly adds features I don’t have to figure out on my own (no time!).
Anyway, love the snow. It’s the only way to see it in Texas because we usually get the surprise snow in March when it is warming up!
It is IE 6 — I upgraded, had a bazillion problems, and busted back to 5.5 again. Immediately things quit centering. IE 6 sucks! And I *LOVE* this design…makes ya’ feel all warm ‘n’ fuzzy looking at it…