I think I may have completely lost my mind today. While reading this post on Contentpalooza running along with NaNoWriMo, I decided I was going to go for it.
I’m going to write 50,000 words in the month of November.
I’m not going to write a novel. Instead, I’m going to be a rebel.
I’m going to finally launch Business of Awesome. I’m going to write posts here. I’m going to write posts on my other blogs, including the wedding photography site, the boudoir site and Wholly Matrimony. I’m going to write, write, and write some more. Oh, and take photographs — I have 3 weddings to photograph this month, along with boudoir and engagement sessions. All the while, I’ll be writing. I’m planning a weekly or monthly blog post for each site, a manifesto, an ebook or two, and tons of other content. 50,000 words. Fifty Thousand Words.
(Hold me. I’m convinced I can do this, but my fingers hurt a bit just thinking about it.)
Thank God I can be really long-winded at times, because I’ll need it for this. My venture into being a NaNoWriMo Rebel. I’ve considered doing it for 10 years, but today? Today it was finally time. Well, yesterday actually, since I’m posting this after midnight, and NaNoWriMo has officially begun. 224 words down so far – only about 1500 or so more to go for today!