
Taking Up the Call…

There is a lovely little girl that is missing Clarence right now, and YOU may hold the link to help her out. Can you help find a new Clarence for her to love? Her old one was lost in a fire, and it is her favorite toy. And if you want one, there is even a Hunt for Clarence button (I’ll add mine soon) . [via SkurdyCat]

I remember when I was little, I had a Dressy Bessy that I loved. I remember always taking it to bed with me, and other places too. I don’t remember the details on what happened – I might have gotten sick in the middle of the night, and Bessy was an innocent victim? Either way, eventually she had to go. She was beyond repair, and even more washing wasn’t going to help. As a little kid, you don’t understand these things. Know what I mean?

UPDATE: A new Clarence has been FOUND! Yeah!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

17 replies on “Taking Up the Call…”

I know eggscatly what you mean. I had a zippy Monkey. Took it everywhere. When I got married I took it with me and when I got a divorce.. SHE gave it to the garbage man. I wanted to kill her.

Oh, poor thing, I hope someone helps her find a new giraffe.

I can’t think of any toys I had like that. I’ve never even been able to sleep with a teddy bear.

I do remember I had a rake and a shovel when I was about 5. I used to pretend to be a gardener and they accidently got sold in a garage sale. I was very sad…for about 10 minutes. :o)

I buried my sister’s favorite doll when I was a tike; she still brings it up till this day whenever she feels the need to make me feel guilty.
Not too long after I buried her fav doll, all my G.I. Joes were mysteriously lit on fire in the backyard…

I adored a Holly Hobbie, and I have no idea what happened to her. Damaged? Lost? Stolen? Or just tossed under the bed like Jessi in A Toy Story 2? I hope it wasn’t that because I miss that doll.

I had a Dressy Bessie, too. My dad gave her, along with all the other toys left from my childhood (and my sister’s) to my oldest step-sister when she had her first child. I’m a bit resentful of this, as my mother had put those toys away to be given to her grandchildren and now if I or my sister decides to have a kid, those toys aren’t there, as they’ve been fully assimilated into the huge numbers of toys that my step-niece and nephew have.

I still have my teddy bear, though.

I had a Holly Hobby too! I loved Holly Hobby things – I think it had to do with my love of all things related to Little House on the Prairie at the same time. We even visited many of the Little House locations! DeSmet, S.D. and places in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

i had a ratty old teddy bear that i carried with me, too… there are pictures with me sucking my thumb and holding the poor thing for dear life! i guess, like a pillow, it got drooled on one too many times and my mom threw it out. i don’t remember not having it anymore, i don’t think i was traumatized, but when i did ask about it, after seeing it in a picture, my mom said she threw it away because it was so stinky. LOL

everyone talks in the “had” stage.. I still “have” my teddy bear from the age of 3! (I’m 3X). He sits in my daughter’s rocking chair and she knows he is very old and special. 🙂

I still have one of my teddy bears from my childhood. He’s missing part of a felt eye, and I remember when his pom-pom nose fell off and my Mom said she would glue it back on – but she never did. He’s missing some fur here and there, but he’s still adorable to me. He sits on my bed, and I have had him for 30+ years.

Yay! So glad someone found a Clarence for her. I have few of my old stuffed animals from my childhood. If ever I am *really* down about something, I will still hold my teddy bear (Edward). It’s strange how even though I am a mature, rational adult, he will still bring me comfort during hard times.

I’m so glad they found a new Clarence, cause I know what that toddler would be going through without it.

Of course, I can’t believe one comment on that particular entry: “Maybe she isn’t worried about it as you are” of course she is. I’ve lost stuffed animals, and I know how it feels.

#68 – Cherished Possessions
1. What was your most cherished possession when you were a child? Why?

2. What was your most cherished possession when you were a teenager? Why?

3. Do you still have these possessions now? Why or why not?

4. What is your most cherished posses…

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