Earlier today I was looking for some legal secretary books on Amazon.com. Imagine my surprise when I noticed this further down the of the page! That sure is good to know what they buy!
Earlier today I was looking for some legal secretary books on Amazon.com. Imagine my surprise when I noticed this further down the of the page! That sure is good to know what they buy!
7 replies on “Thank You for Shopping…”
I received one like that also. I’m wondering who write’s that stuff?
So, did you buy the “ladybug rain boots”?
You mean you didn’t find the naturist section?
ha ha ha, what about the customers who don’t wear clothes? 😉 That’s hilarious!!
Cory Doctorow’s new short story makes a little poke at things like that. Funny stuff.
Yep…that is one of my requirements when I buy underwear…aside from it fitting well, is that is be clean. I’m just fussy that way.
Hehe, yeah, I love it … they put the “who wear clothes” in there to keep from offending nudists. 😉 And I love the qualifying “clean” just in case we got confused. I wonder if that’s a particular brand of underwear? Hehe, that would be great … or even better, Soiled(tm) Underwear. 😉 Ooh, I think I’m getting the lazy Saturday giggles…