I watched The Amazing Race for the first time on Wednesday. I haven’t gotten in to any of the other shows like this – I didn’t watch Survivor at all, and my attempts to watch this last season of Big Brother because Nicole kept talking about it failed because it was too far into the season – it didn’t make sense to me. But I have to say, I really enjoyed The Amazing Race. Even set the Tivo to do a Season Pass for it. I was sad to see the Grandparents get eliminated. They were the only ones that had that bizarre taxi-driver switch and all that went on when that happened. It was really sad – I was yelling at the tv! Amie seems very whiney, complaining about everything. I was left wondering if Lenny & Karen would end up just having a fist fight to get all the rage between them out. And if I ever met Bill or Joe on the street I would simply HAVE to bitch-slap them. I can’t wait until the episode next week!
One reply on “The Amazing Race…”
Your hooked! I love it!