I guess a London photo would fit better with this post, but I adore this shot from our honeymoon of the Eiffel Tower.
Last Friday, I went to my LYS and looked through the Colinette books for some ideas of what I might want to knit with their yarn. At first, I thought about a sweater. But I kept thinking about the afghan kits that Colinette makes, and how it would be nice to have something that I can leave on display part of the time. I mean, I could hang a sweater up and call it art, but it just isn’t the same. In the end, I selected a nice pattern that was made with Colinette Prism and Colinette Mohair, and I selected the “Dusk” color as the one that matches our color scheme the most. (Those links might not work thanks to session IDs, but I thought I should try.)
Mike called me while I was there, and I made a point to brag to everyone that he was buying yarn for me. I didn’t realize that before he left home he hadn’t contacted any of his other friends in London about his trip other than Pixeldiva to make yarn shopping plans. How sweet is that? (Ok, sort of silly that he didn’t contact anyone else, but still sweet.)
When they got to the shop on Saturday, I got a phone call because they didn’t have any of the colors in stock – and they didn’t have 5 skeins of Prism in any color. Mike ordered it from Colinette directly and called them to confirm the order. It was still more than half the price that it is here in the US. It is being shipped to the hotel and should be there by tomorrow or Friday. Yeah! The Colinette is coming! The Colinette is coming!
He is coming along on his scarf, and racing against the clock so he can wear it there before he leaves. Not much use for a scarf in Houston right now – we are having lovely summer weather lately! Oh, if only our summers were only 80 degrees. 80 degrees! It is only March 8th and it is 80 degrees! We are going to be so screwed by the time June comes around.
Speaking of June – I actually found a June bug in my garage the other day! In MARCH! People! This is just insane! And really, I could have done without the June bug. I don’t mind most bugs, but those are the nastiest things. *shiver* I hate them so much, so I really don’t want to see them this early in the year. Did I mention that summer is going to suck?
On a separate note, I finally figured out why I couldn’t get rid of the gray stripe that was behind the sidebar before – it wasn’t part of the CSS, but rather an image! I just tweaked it in Photoshop, and it is all white and crisp and pretty and clean now! Yeah! That has really bugged me!
2 replies on “The Colinette is Coming!”
Your links worked fine and the yarn in beautiful. How exciting to have yarn coming special from England – you’ll always remember that when you look at the afghan!! I’m in N.E. and am pining for spring . . . . but I had forgotten about the bugs. Yuck, not looking forward to them!!
I’ll trade you some of my spring for some of your cool “you can still wear knitted goods” weather. Matter of fact, I’ll even keep the bugs! Deal? 😀