Media Consumption

The Fine Print…

When I started watching Two and a Half Men last fall, I got hooked on something other than the show. I got hooked on the Chuck Lorre Vanity Cards at the very end. For just a flash, there is a screen full of text. Thanks to TiVo, I could pause the screen and read the cards, some of which are pretty hysterical.

I love the Chuck Lorre Vanity Cards.

Last night, I turned on the TV just as Dharma & Greg ended. Out of the corner of my eye – poof! – I spotted the vanity card. I had no idea that he did other cards! Immediately, I hit the rewind button and then paused it – allowing me to read Vanity Card #5.

Wow! Number 5! The ones I have seen before have always been close to 100, so #5? I felt like … well, like I had discovered something fantastic. Yeah, how cheesy is that? But still. It was like finding a small gem.

Suddenly, Mike announced that you can read all of the Chuck Lorre Vanity Cards online. What?!? That’s just … so wrong! No more pausing the TiVo? No more squinting at the small fuzzy text on the TV? Nothing? Gone? Just like that. Gone.

I feel like my bubble has been burst.

I’m not the only one that has been reading the vanity cards on TV, after the show, like they are meant to be read. Am I?

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

7 replies on “The Fine Print…”

I have read those on our TV once or twice. We just have a VCR, not TiVo, yet, maybe when we move! Cool that they are on a site, you probably saved a few people their eyesight, Christine! 🙂

I’m actually very happy to learn that they’re all online. I’ve knonw about the vanity cards for years, but have never been able to read them after shows. I remember during the Dharma & Greg period, that the vanity cards were kind of novelty and reading articles about them. But, alas, not owning a TiVO makes it awfully hard to catch ’em.

Thanks for the link!

I love the CL Vanity Cards! I just did a search for them to see what other people were saying about them and there you were in the results! I have to tell you how often that happens! I’ll do a search and you’re in the results. Makes me giggle. =)

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