Abducted by Aliens

The Latest Update…

Dr. P’s office called me back; the second lab reviewing my endometrial biopsy didn’t find anything conclusive. Now making it even more of a mystery why the first lab sent the results on. (I do plan to ask for copies of all the reports.) So the next step now is to do a hysteroscopy. Now waiting for the staff to call me back to schedule it. I don’t know if it will be done in the office or in the hospital. Personally, if it were up to me, they would do a laproscopy at the same time to check out the ovarian cyst also.

I have a feeling that I have a bit of a battle for myself ahead. I will fight for what I think is the right thing to do. My vibe is that there is something more going on and I want them to find out what it is. None of this is normal, and I want an explanation.

Oh, and while the pill was doing its job for awhile, it isn’t now. (Whee.) Plus I don’t like the side effects it is giving me. So I’m planning on discussing that with him too.

Ah, the fun never ends.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

9 replies on “The Latest Update…”

Christine, I hope the next thing allays your fears. Everybodys body reacts differently to hormones AND the aging process. Not that you’re old, but if you guys don’t plan on having any more kids, I have a suggestion for stopping the pill, but Mike’s not going to like it. Tom won’t even discuss it. Cowards! Take care.

I’ve actually been off the pill for 2+ years, but just started back on it a few weeks ago so that the bleeding would hopefully stop. It did for awhile, but has started again. (Mildly, but still going on. Ugh.)

So the pill now is for hormone balance only.

I’ve been watching this with interest — hope you are feeling better and can keep on the docs to figure out what the deal is.

also, fyi: your search seems to be broken. I was trying to look back at your posts about the rsi surgeries you had, but the search didn’t work! 🙂


I can fully empathise with that, due to my believing various medicos, I ended up with 2005 with no periods at all, then 2006 being pretty much a constant blood-fest.

Enough was enough in November, Fed up with my GP, I got myself an appointment at the GUM clinic, and come January 8th, one bright shiny new IUS (Mirena Coil) was inserted.

Is there a reason why you can’t have one as well? Solved my issues totally.

*hugs* and Love.

Ittinerant BIG needle girl

Your symptoms sound like fibroids. We have a family history of them. When you get off the pill they enlarge, back on the pill… they shrink.

You know I’m not a doc, and I don’t mean to diagnose you, but I’m just saying… it sounds familiar.

Have they brought up the fibroids possibility with you?

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