Just discovered, thanks to Chris Pirillo, that Ben & Mena will be on The Screen Savers today to talk about MovableType! That is *so* wonderful. I’m really excited because, as you have all heard me say many times, I love MovableType! Must set the Tivo to catch the rerun tonight!
6 replies on “The Screen Savers…”
I went to MT for a whole day. Hated it. Back to Greymatter. LOL!
I went to MT for a whole day. Hated it. Back to Greymatter. LOL!
Oh man, I sure wish I had Tech TV – can you tell us how it went after you get to watch? I’d sure love that 🙂
And yes, I owe you an email – I just didn’t have time before work this morning 🙂 Its a happy excited email 🙂
Christine, thanks for the heads up! Thankfully, we get TechTV here in MN so I can drool over Martin. I’ll be watching it tonight for sure!!
Amy, I think you may have a fever. LOL.
You mean, *gasp*, you might actually watch The Screen Savers for a change?! ;-p No seriously — too cool!
Hehe, no I watch TSS whenever I can… it just seems that 6pm doesn’t end up being a good time for me. Now if I had a Tivo….. hmmm. LOL. I usually end up watching the rerun on the weekend. Then I get my Martin fix. 😛